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Postby ruben23 » Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:55 am

HI guys,

ANy chance i can set vicidial to autologout an agent properly login and dialing but begin to idle or inactive for sometime, there is a manual version call emergency logout for individual agent but can i set it as a general setting and its auto set somehow.
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Re: Autologout

Postby DomeDan » Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:40 am

There is a campaign setting called Agent Pause Max Seconds:

Agent Pause Max Seconds - If this is set to greater than 0, and the agent has not gone out of
PAUSED status in this number of seconds, the agent will automatically be logged out of the agent screen.
Default is 0 for disabled.

this feature was added in build 131208-1626

I think it failed to logout the agent a few times for me but probably because of network problem.
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