ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

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ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby Kumba » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:44 pm

Due to a license conflict, or actually the lack of an acceptable open source license, Wanpipe can not be included with ViciBox when built.

This means that every so often, as new kernel updates roll out, I will need to update the drivers and make them available for download at the following: ... /vicibox6/

You will need to match up your kernel version to the ones available for download. The file format is as follows:


For example, if the wanpipe version is v.7.0.10, the kernel version is v.3.11.10, and the DAHDI version is 2.09, you would want to download the file called wanpipe-7.0.10-k3.11.10-d2.09.tar.bz2

I will try my best to do new builds as kernels are released, but I may not always be able to get to it in time. It's not like I can set a google alert to tell me about kernel updates. If you leave a message here on the forum I or someone else will probably see it and we can get packages built. Also, if you install the wanpipe driver you cannot do further kernel updates where the major kernel number changes, I.E. if it goes from 3.11.10 to 3.11.12.

You can determine your kernel version by typing 'uname -r'. The output will look something like this: 3.11.10-7-default

In that scenario, the kernel version is 3.11.10. You would then want to download the file with the biggest wanpipe version that is specified for kernel 3.11.10.

Once you download the file installation is fairly simple. You can do the following:

1) cd /tmp
2) wget ... 6/wanpipe-<wanpipe-version>-k<kernel-version>-d<dahdi-version>.tar.bz2
- for example: wget ... 09.tar.bz2
3) tar -xf wanpipe-<wanpipe-version>-k<kernel-version>-d<dahdi-version>.tar.bz2
- for example: tar -xf wanpipe-7.0.10-k3.11.10-d2.09.tar.bz2
4) type './install-wanpipe' and press ENTER
5) If it gives you no errors or complains about installing itself, then you are ready to go, and can type 'Y' to continue. If it complains, you need to figure out why.

So, not the slickest solution, but a workable one for all parties involved. Here's to hoping Sangoma continues supporting the newer kernels. For some odd reason the driver doesn't compile on ViciBox v.5 but once I get that figured out the same instructions will apply there.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby williamconley » Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:38 pm

Accordiing to the licensing, would it be viable to have this "auto-installed" as an option during the running of the installer from that same site? (If the default is "NO" ... and the code is not ON the .iso ...?)
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby Kumba » Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:14 pm

It's not license compatible with OBS or SuSEStudio so it can't be coupled there. I am building it on a local machine and posting it on the website for download.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby williamconley » Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:30 pm

"coupled" meaning you can't have a script that downloads it from another site on the vicibox iso? or you can't have the actual code on the site?

i was under the impression that an "option" that must be chosen that loads from a different site would be acceptable as long as user intervention (at the very least, changing a "N" to a "Y") would be required to make it happen.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby Kumba » Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:05 am

There would have to be a bit of work that goes into a script like that. It would have to match the kernel version to a downloadable wanpipe file. It would also have to take into account that the wanpipe versions would change.

Basically, this is what zypper does. One option is to run my own private OBS just to build wanpipe and anything else that OBS/SuSEStudio doesn't like. Then people could just do a zypper in wanpipe and be done.

But I've got other things i'm working on at the moment and honestly T1/PRI hasn't been a big mover for us in a while. Almost all new centers are doing SIP and even the older centers are trying to get away from T1/PRI.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby williamconley » Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:50 am

I was just looking for your opinion on the legality. Not suggesting (well, not really) that you put in the effort to build such a device. We're still hoping to get Gnudial (Vici on ubuntu) out and while we may not be putting wanpipe in during release ... we certainly would expect a request to put it in later (even if it's just a web page with a "click here to add wanpipe" option).
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby Kumba » Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:00 pm

Might want to pick a different name other then Gnudial.

Well we have a method to install wanpipe but we really don't see much of a request for it. Most new installs that need T1/PRI we just tell to go with Digium. They now have a half-height half-depth 4-port T1 card and that definitely works out of the box.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby williamconley » Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:20 pm

Similar names don't bother me. We've got and ours doesn't rely on a "cloud-based" background that is proprietary (and will clearly state so on the publishing site). Since there are no reviews on theirs, just the "post" by the publisher, I have to wonder if anyone is using it. And if it relies on their cloud or is actually a gnu dialer as they suggest. LOL

Regardless, lots of dialers out there ... ours will just be better than theirs (because it'll be Vicidial!). It will also go along with our next (in the lineup) product which will be GNUPBX and then GNUCRM. All simple .iso installs for existing products without anything added. Just making it easy for general public to USE this software that's free. LOL
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby ccabrera » Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:52 pm

Is there any guide on how to compile Wanpipe with current Vicibox 6.0? The reason behind this is getting the dahdi chunk size to 40 instead of the usual 8.

I tried compiling it by hand before with no luck, but yours was a super easy way to install wanpipe, so I´m guessing that there must be a way to achieve this.
Christian Cabrera
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby ghgp » Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:09 pm

Is there a reason why certified asterisk that has LTS support is not distributed with the vicibox installers? Not criticizing, just wondering :)
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby mflorell » Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:29 am

"certified" asterisk doesn't mean much. It is only updated a few times a year, so bugs are not fixed as quickly as in the standard branches. We only include versions that we have tested with Vicidial in Vicibox, and testing another older version isn't really worth the time.

Forgot to mention, standard Asteirsk 1.8 IS an LTS release, just like "certified" is.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby Kumba » Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:25 pm

ccabrera wrote:Is there any guide on how to compile Wanpipe with current Vicibox 6.0? The reason behind this is getting the dahdi chunk size to 40 instead of the usual 8.

I tried compiling it by hand before with no luck, but yours was a super easy way to install wanpipe, so I´m guessing that there must be a way to achieve this.

The option is not for the faint of heart, but there is a way to do it. The 'easiest' way, which is a very relative term, is to use 'osc' to download the files from the build service and compile them. You will need to create an OBS user as I don't believe they have an anonymous/guest method of using osc. Once you do a checkout from OBS you can go create a patch file that will modify the original source, add it to the spec file, and then tell it to compile you a custom version.

Out of curiosity what is the real world gain of modifying the chunk size? And what repercussions does it have across hardware?
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby ccabrera » Tue Jul 29, 2014 2:23 pm


Thanks for the reply. It looks complicated, but I guess that once someone cracks the code, I can get a guide and make it easier for everyone.

The benefit for increasing the dahdi chunk size can be read at this paper: ... _Loads.pdf

In simple words: bigger chunk means that the Sangoma card needs fewer interrupts to get their information to the motherboard. This translates in lower loads, which we all know Vicidial benefits from that. This is one of the steps I apply to my clients which use 4 or more E1s, as the benefit in load can be seen. For anything that is 2 E1s or less, I don´t even bother.
Christian Cabrera
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby Kumba » Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:46 pm

Well if you can send me a patch file to modify the chunk size in the source code i'll put it into the package build.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby tristan » Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:39 am

Has anyone managed to get these drivers to work with a Sangoma UT50 Voicetime yet? I have tried without success and would really appreciate a few hints on a possible way forward.

I am having exactly the same problem as described in this post:
- the only difference being that I am using the supplied binaries with support for DAHDI 2.10

The device is installed correctly and can be detected:
Code: Select all
# lsusb
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 10c4:8460 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. Sangoma Wanpipe VoiceTime
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 413c:a001 Dell Computer Corp. Hub
Bus 004 Device 004: ID 04b4:6560 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. CY7C65640 USB-2.0 "TetraHub"
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 005: ID 413c:0000 Dell Computer Corp. DRAC 5 Virtual Keyboard and Mouse
Bus 004 Device 006: ID 413c:0001 Dell Computer Corp. DRAC 5 Virtual Media

From /var/log/messages:
Code: Select all
[ 1424.109093] WANPIPE(tm) Hardware Support Module (c) 1994-2013 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[ 1424.109528] usbcore: registered new interface driver sdlausb
[ 1424.112231] WANPIPE(tm) Interface Support Module (c) 1994-2013 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[ 1424.113437] WANPIPE(tm) PPP/Cisco HDLC Protocol (c) 1994-2013 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[ 1424.116440] dahdi: Version: 2.10.0
[ 1424.116735] dahdi: Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
[ 1424.147829] WANPIPE(tm) Multi-Protocol WAN Driver Module (c) 1994-2013 Sangoma Technologies Inc
[ 1424.147835] wanpipe: Probing for WANPIPE hardware.
[ 1424.147907] wanpipe: No AFT/S514/S508 cards found, unloading modules!
[ 1424.192509] dahdi: Telephony Interface Unloaded
[ 1424.264048] usbcore: deregistering interface driver sdlausb
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby Kumba » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:11 pm

You would need to talk Sangoma into upgrading the Wanpipe Voicetime drivers to support anything above DAHDI v.2.6.

We've pretty much switched to using Amfeltec PCI-Express drivers.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby tristan » Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:41 am

Thanks. I incorrectly assumed that the Voicetime drivers were included in the main Wanpipe bundle.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby mflorell » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:24 am

The original Sangoma Voicetime was actually created by Amfeltec for Sangoma, but Sangoma has not maintained it as the comperable Amfeltec product has been maintained, and we get great service from Amfeltec, which is why we switched to using Amfeltec timers. We've bought hundreds and we are a reseller of their PCIexpress timers.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby dragn-fire » Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:50 pm

Does this mean if I have a sangoma ut50 I can possibly get it working by using amfeltec drivers or would I need to purchase a new unit?


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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby mflorell » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:25 am

I suppose you could try it, but we haven't used the Sangoma timers in about 3 years.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby ghgp » Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:00 am

mflorell wrote:The original Sangoma Voicetime was actually created by Amfeltec for Sangoma, but Sangoma has not maintained it as the comperable Amfeltec product has been maintained, and we get great service from Amfeltec, which is why we switched to using Amfeltec timers. We've bought hundreds and we are a reseller of their PCIexpress timers.

Are there any timer cards suitable for HP Blade systems that you would suggest?
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby okli » Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:30 am

dragn-fire wrote:Does this mean if I have a sangoma ut50 I can possibly get it working by using amfeltec drivers or would I need to purchase a new unit?



Has anyone tried and had success with this, or found other way around?
I've emailed Sangoma about releasing new drivers but hit dead end. At the same time we have some ut50's which apparently now are next to useless, unless we get them working with ViciBox 6.x and the newer Dahdi versions coming with it.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby mflorell » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:53 am

About 2 years ago we stopped recommending Sangoma hardware because of their now horrible support. If you want a dedicated timer we have recommended the Amfeltec PCIexpress x1 hardware timer instead of the ut50 for more than 3 years now(Amfeltec drivers are built in to vicibox), and for T1/E1 cards we recommend Digium.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby okli » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:23 am

mflorell wrote:About 2 years ago we stopped recommending Sangoma hardware because of their now horrible support. If you want a dedicated timer we have recommended the Amfeltec PCIexpress x1 hardware timer instead of the ut50 for more than 3 years now(Amfeltec drivers are built in to vicibox), and for T1/E1 cards we recommend Digium.

Thanks Matt, I read your comments above and if it was to buy a new hardware now I'd follow your advices without hesitation.

The thing is that we already have 5-6 UT50 sticks and 4-5 Sangoma A101,A102 and A104 cards which I'd rather try to use as a timing source for the 5 telephone servers, rather than getting new hardware, unless we really need to. As it appears the UT50 sticks would be useless unless there are new drivers for it, but with the E1 cards I'd have to figure something out.
It's putty to read Sangoma support went downhill past few years, it used to be great. I still remember a techician helping remotely for 2 days to isolate a specific firmware issue and get a new firmware released within days. And now as they bought the key assets of Schmooze, I wish FreePBX doesn't go downhill.

Here comes a stupid maybe question- would Sangoma A10X cards provide timing source even if not connected to ISDN lines? If yes, is it sufficient to install the wanpipe drivers and not configure any spans? Are there any tricks?
I've installed two of these cards, and even though properly configured and working with ISDN lines for backup purposes, Asterisk still shows timerfd being used on Vicibox 6.01 :
Code: Select all
Dialler1*CLI> module show like timing
Module                         Description                              Use Count            DAHDI Timing Interface                   0          pthread Timing Interface                 0          Timerfd Timing Interface                 1
3 modules loaded

I've put in modules.conf noload for phtread and timerfd and then dahdi timer is being used, but reverted changes as I am not sure whether should be touching this at all.
I both cases, creating dummy 10 GB file with dd while playing MOH, results in "you have time sync problem" and MOH stopping for 10-15 seconds.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby mflorell » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:05 pm

Yes, it is a shame what happened to Sangoma support. They were the best up until a few years ago after the new CEO took over.

Yes, you can use a Sangoma TDM card for a timer even without a line connected to it, but it still has to be configured with Asterisk.

Some time last year we did get a Sangoma card up and running for a client on a more recent version of Vicibox, but it was a rather time-consuming process that I don't think could be easily repeated because of all of the manual editing of files involved.

I hope that the purchase of Schmooze by Sangoma will inject some new life into the company, and renew it's customer focus, but we'll just have to wait and see if that's what happens.
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby okli » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:30 pm

mflorell wrote:Yes, you can use a Sangoma TDM card for a timer even without a line connected to it, but it still has to be configured with Asterisk.
Thanks, that helps.
Should I be concerned about the timer used as per the post above, or Dahdi should be taking care, even though another timer is listed as being used?
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Re: ViciBox v.6.0 Wanpipe Support, finally...

Postby mflorell » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:43 pm

I'm not really an expert on the most recent Asterisk version timer specifics. You'll just have to test and see what works.
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