Hi all,
I'm trying to utilize the feature Play Place in Line but i can't get it to work, also which prompts will it use?
Has anyone used this? I remember i used it waaaaaaaaaay back but can't get it to work anymore.
edit: I found out why the prompt wasn't playing, the field 'On Hold Prompt Interval' was empty.
However i still don't understand how it works. I can't specify the prompts anywhere that should announce the callers place in line. I did some test calls by placing 5 simultaneous calls and for every call i get to hear that i'm first in line??
Also the calculation of the wait time seems incorrect, when all people in the queue have been waiting for 3 minutes it first announces the wait time is 60 seconds and after a few minutes it announces the wait time is 15 seconds even though the first person in line still has not been helped and more people are in the queue in front of the caller.