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mflorell wrote:We have dozens of our Vicihost clients using ZoiperWeb across hundreds of agents. It works great and is very reliable. We have also sold ZoiperWeb licenses to several clients who use it for their premises Vicidial systems.
As for Phono, have they open sourced the server side of that yet? Three years ago they said they were going to, but that was before they got bought out. I'm guessing since all I see is references to their hosted application that you have to connect to to actually use it.
I did a lot of testing of web-based browser phones a few years ago, and the most common problem was issues with keeping the agent phone call up for several hours without swallowing up all available memory, or degrading voice, or intolerable buffer issues. The second biggest problem was with compatibility issues.
Anabia159 wrote:Hi,
How can I get multiple incoming calls on vicidial. ?
I have configured an agent account and logged into it. when logged in i received a call in my sip phone. After that if someone calls to my sip phone i can receive the call in my phone but there is no intimation in vicidial.. how can i add calls to my vicidial queue and transfer the call to available agents..
Acidshock wrote:Anyone see that Google Chrome is going to stop NPAPI plugins in 2015? I checked with Zoiper and they said that they had no intention on making a dedicated Chrome plugin and were going to stick to NPAPI.
Zoiper's response:
Unfortunately Chrome does not offer any alternatives for this type of technologies, nothing can be done.
Best regards,
Acidshock wrote:Yeah but according to W3Counter. Chrome represents 42.7% of the browser market share so its pretty significant. Obviously though its not the end of the world. Like you said people can switch to IE or Mozilla
tntconsulting wrote:We have implemented webrtc with our system and using SipML5 phones, however it does require us to have an additional asterisk11 server.
tntconsulting wrote:we did a stock install at first, then my IT guys hacked the code to have the autologin and credentials. have 20 agents testing now for the past week and no issues. however it does use a bit more resources on the webserver. for me, the quality is better than Xlite and Zoiper. plus nothing to install on the agent side, only login and all is there.
once we are 100% I will post some details
mflorell wrote:I have no question that webrtc is the future, but we still have a huge installed client base with agents running workstations from 10 years ago, and webrtc just won't work on those machines. The added load on the webserver is also a concern, especially for clients with hundreds of agents. Thank you for posting your experience testing it, we've had a couple of our clients try out various webrtc options as well and they do seem to work pretty well in smaller deployments, nobody has tested a 100+ seat call center with it yet though.
mflorell wrote:Luckily, it won't require much in the way of editing the Vicidial code itself to add it, integrating ZoiperWeb has already put the necessary integration code into Vicidial
As for the cost, ZoiperWeb is sold as a site license only, so if you are a hosting company like Vicidial, the cost per agent is pennies, so there isn't as much barrier to entry for a very reliable webphone, and our clients don't have to pay anything extra to use it.
mflorell wrote:As long as they are clients of yours and they are using your licensed webserver to get the webphone from, yes.
mflorell wrote:site license as in fully-qualified-domain name: "", then all of your hosted clients use the following in their System Settings webphone URL:
The webphone does not have to be on a Vicidial web server to work with Vicidial.
tntconsulting wrote:we started with the master files, url removed so I could post and gave us the full html as thisurl removed so I could post
then we removed all the code we didnt need, and setup the config/auto login/and the presets in the EXPERT MODE.
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