Interesting way to say it. Let's try something a bit deeper:
Vicidial has a module called "Carriers". Each carrier entry is (indeed) entered through the Vicidial Web GUI. The Web GUI stores it in the DB. At the OneMinuteMark a script runs that checks to see if there have been any changes on the server (under Admin->Servers there's a value set to rebuild the configuration files). If that value is "Y", the script rebuilds the configuration files.
The configuration files consist of (among many other things) the Asterisk "dial plan". The file "extensions-vididial.conf" (and others, technically, but primarily this one) is constructed which includes information from each Carrier's "Dialplan Entry" field.
Thus you are correct that Vicidial handles this through the "web interface" and the Anveo VOIP Company is correct in asserting that you'll have to put something into the dialplan.
There is a great deal of discussion on the dialplan entry in the Carrier configuration in Vicidial.
- Code: Select all
91NXXNXXXXXX williamconley vicidial dialplan entry
and you'll likely learn what you need and a bit more.
PS: Thanks for posting your entire system description!