CentOS 5.6 : Asterisk:- VERSION: 2.4-309a BUILD: 110430-1642 And we have domestic center calling using PRI lines.
I have many PRI lines. And there are many in coming call coming on these various PRI lines. I have few PRI lines for backup.
Now, I want to know how can I get my daily PRI line utilization ? How many channels utilized ? Or if any specific channels utilized and some are not utilized then I want to remove my PRI lines.
I tried checking the PRI channel usage from below query. I m not sure will it give proper PRI channel utilization or not ?
SELECT DISTINCT `channel` FROM `call_log` WHERE `start_time` LIKE '2015-04-08%' AND channel LIKE 'DAHDI%';
Can we use below any where ?
"SELECT * FROM `live_channels` ORDER BY `live_channels`.`channel`
Please guide me.