Asterisk Database tables_archive

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Asterisk Database tables_archive

Postby marzo » Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:38 am


The database Asterisk has a lot of tables whose name ends with _archive.

My question is: What is the function of these tables ?

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Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:50 pm

Re: Asterisk Database tables_archive

Postby DomeDan » Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:47 am


they are tables that the script uses.

# This script is designed to put all records from call_log, vicidial_log and
# vicidial_agent_log in relevant _archive tables and delete records in original
# tables older than X days or months from current date. Also, deletes old
# server_performance table records without archiving them as well as optimizing
# all involved tables.

And the reason you want to run this script is to speed up queries made by vicidial,
If there is much load on the database (like if it takes some time before lead information appears on the agent interface) then its a good idea to run this script to archive old call/lead-data.
but the downside is that the reports wont be able to display data for the period you select in the script
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Re: Asterisk Database tables_archive

Postby marzo » Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:29 am


Thanks for your reply
Posts: 66
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