Help with call times please

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Help with call times please

Postby ambiorixg12 » Wed May 27, 2015 9:44 pm

i have an issue with the call times not saving. At the present i have one call time that is visible in the admin but
when i add additional call times, it will save and display in the database, but not reflected
in the GUI. if i try to add the same call time (same id), the gui will say that there is already a call time like that.

i can however edit the sole call time presently in they system.

also it does not seem like the call times are being adhered to...if i set the call time to
0000 to 2400, agents can dial, but if i set the system to 1300 to 1800, when agents login
at that time, it will show nothing in the hopper...

I checked the db and call times are saved but not displayed

mysql> select call_time_name from vicidial_call_times;
| call_time_name |
| default 24 hours calling |
| default 9am to 9pm calling |
| default 9am to 5pm calling |
| default 12pm to 5pm calling |
| default 12pm to 9pm calling |
| default 5pm to 9pm calling |
| Collections Business Hours |
| Merchant Call |
| Merchant Calltimes |
| Merchant Calltimes |
| merchant campaign |
| Test |
| ttest |
| test |
| test |
| merchant campaign22 |
| 1-5am calltime |
| onetofive |
| TEST1 |
| merchant campaign |

20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Vicidial VERSION: 2.10-472a BUILD: 150120-0749: 140612-1628 | Asterisk| Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation |Intel(R) Xeon(R) | CPU E5-2630L
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Joined: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:35 pm

Re: Help with call times please

Postby bobchaos » Fri May 29, 2015 1:31 pm

Can you post the entire table? I'm guessing there must be at least 1 invalid input parameter that's causing Vicidial to filter them out. Special characters are a common culprit, as those have to be sanitized to prevent injection attacks, so I'd start by seeing if you have any of those anywhere in the table. I could be wrong, but it's a good place to start.
Posts: 171
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:46 pm

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