onHook URL Event

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onHook URL Event

Postby covarrubiasgg » Thu May 28, 2015 2:01 pm

I am wondering if there is some kind of event such as the Start Call URL or the Dispo Call URL, but i need it to be triggered when an onHook extension is ringing from an INBOUND Call...

I have already try it with the Start Call URL, but it doesn’t trigger it until the agent answer the call (which really makes sense) but there is a process the agent needs to run in order to get some info from a third party application before having the customer online, so i am wondering if there is any kind of event i can use to trigger a URL Script before the agent answer the call.

If not, I would like to know, if there is any table where i can catch which agent(s) are ringing during an onHook inbound call, so i can trigger my URL Script from an external app.

I know this may not make any sense, but this is a very custom requirement and i hope you can guide me trough this.
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Re: onHook URL Event

Postby mflorell » Fri May 29, 2015 6:20 am

I'm sure this could be added, but it gets a lot more complicated by using the RINGALL option, and the fact that some of our clients only have the ring set to 5 seconds, so every 5 seconds it would be sending a new URL call out for another phone.

As for what tables are changed, the vicidial_live_agents.ring_callerid field is used to show that an on-hook agent is being called.
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Re: onHook URL Event

Postby covarrubiasgg » Sat May 30, 2015 6:15 pm

Thanks for your reply :)

I am sure that this is not practical for most scenarios, unfortunately it is required for this specific project. Thank you very much for your guidance.
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Location: Tijuana, Mexico

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