Softphones Hang Up when agent hangs up lead.

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Softphones Hang Up when agent hangs up lead.

Postby edooze » Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:22 am

Hi team,

My build details:
Vicibox 6 from .iso
VERSION: 2.12-485a BUILD: 150512-2225
Single Server with additional dialer
No Digium/Sangoma Hardware
No Extra Software After Installation
All phones & carriers are SIP-based.
Currently 4 agents live (at times intermittently).
Please note that my servers are virtualised using VirtIO (KVM). I understand that this is not recommended, but a necessary evil for a small business in today's market.
Database/tel/web/archive server - 2 CPUs, 2GB RAM
Second tel/web server - 1 CPU, 1GB RAM - upgrade pending to similar specs above
Both servers connected by an (external) vpn - they have no knowledge of the existence of the VPN.
Both servers connect directly to the external provider.

Current campaigns running via MANUAL dial - we find with our campaign types that it keeps agents happier for the time being.

We are finding with two agents that when they hang up the lead within the webgui that the softphone also hangs up, and they need to re-login in order for the phone to ring again so they can continue. They have both been using the same phone/agent login, but tried it on different computers and with 2 different campaigns.

It's not a dealbreaker, but it means productivity is low because of the long time in between dials. Plus frustration is high, understandably.

I have done quite a lot of searching and not managed to find anything that could be the reason for this. Does anyone have any light they could shed?

Thanks in advance,
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
1 x Multi-server & 1 x Dialer/Web from ISO
Virtualised (KVM) - 4 CPU/4GB RAM (Multi) - 2CPU/4GB RAM (dialer/web)
Both SIP & IAX used
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:46 am

Re: Softphones Hang Up when agent hangs up lead.

Postby williamconley » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:47 pm

1) DON'T use manual dial. You've already lost your productivity. I know, "we have to!" LOL But I'm tellin' you that your productivity will soar when you switch to autodial even if you have to fire all your agents and get new ones (because the ones on Manual Dial will Resist the transition and infect each other with negativity!). Seriously.

2) Post asterisk CLI output from a single occurrence where it happens and when it does not. For comparison.

3) If this is limited to two specific agents ... switch them to the other credentials and see if the problem follows the agent or the workstation. Also switch their phone accounts (create new ones?). See if you can narrow this down to something .... that can be deleted! and forgotten. 8-)
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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