Call Quality

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Call Quality

Postby cottonking2000 » Mon May 11, 2009 11:36 pm

Having serious Call Quality issues.

We set up Vicibox (lateset greatest) on a P4 with 2GB of Mems. Hung it off the Router and gave the server Mac address High Priority as well as the port it is plugged into. Optimized the game setting to SIP port 5050 and IAX 4569.

Hoping to get GREAT Quality - we still have underwater - noise with our setup. Using GSM - swithed to ULAW and tried 729. All results on SIP out and IAX out to Voip Street were CRAPPY enough to stall our launch a day.

Voip street responded that it was a GSM issue they have been having (MAYBE)....we have 1.6 MB upload and only 1 agent on the phone! Same issue on IAX and SIP!

Voipstreet remark
Date: Mon - May, 11th 2009

Time: 10:11:19 PM

Who: Customer Support
We've had many reports of codec issues related to GSM lately. Can you try testing with ULAW or G.729?
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Postby mflorell » Tue May 12, 2009 7:42 pm

Could you describe in more detail exactly what the audio issues were?
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Call Quality

Postby cottonking2000 » Wed May 13, 2009 12:05 pm

Our incoming call Qual is fine. However, the people we call can not hear or get a very bad underwater sound with a higher pitch than what we had with vicidial now.

Bill is helping us with issue. He remarked when you stand away from the MIC = 6 feet - then the call quality is better. We are looking into it also....
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Postby williamconley » Thu May 14, 2009 11:01 am

The symptom was basically that it sounded like the Agent was under water while talking. The prospect could be heard clearly, though. With even a SINGLE call. Ordinarily this would be zaptel not compiled for the present machine, but in this case it was a much simpler solution.

but it was an odd solution... cottonking2000 (you gotta explain that name to me LOL) had multiple "devices" with the provider and ONE of them was static instead of dynamic. Apparently the settings in that one were ... less than optimal. But no matter which "deviced" he used (via authentication), that static one would override and the new settings s*ck*d, too. It would allow using the codecs and protocol of the new device, but SOMETHING of the static device was somehow overriding.

We put him on another provider for a minute (after rebuilding libpri/zaptel/asterisk which did not help) and it was crystal. Then deleted all his connections with his provider and created a new fresh one. Upon deletion of the old "devices" and creation of the new one ... crystal calls again with the original provider.
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Postby cottonking2000 » Thu May 14, 2009 1:37 pm

Bill you are my hero. You worked it through with me and we did it! You did it! This is a important post for newbies whom think they can make a ton of devices on a VOIP provider and think nothing of it. The device creation is important. The voip provider will not normally be able to help on make sure you devices are properly done.

FYI calling like a MAD man with 8 agents today. THANK YOU BILL

Oh cottonking2000 was my hacker name in College before I got busted and it has followed ever since. Cotton was thought of for cotton gin and eli interchange parts (engineering thing in college) 2000 was available on yahoo in 98 so I took it....and here we are.
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Re: Call Quality

Postby klept24 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:56 pm

Hi William,

What do you mean with this line "We put him on another provider for a minute (after rebuilding libpri/zaptel/asterisk which did not help) and it was crystal. Then deleted all his connections with his provider and created a new fresh one. Upon deletion of the old "devices" and creation of the new one".
Can you explain it clearly on how to do that. Im just new in Vicidial.

Thank you.
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Re: Call Quality

Postby williamconley » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:25 pm

Essentially he's saying that call quality sucked, so he changed the telephone company through which he called. Suddenly call quality was excellent.

Then he deleted his "Admin->Carriers" settings for the old telephone company (apparently he had lots of entries for that single carrier for weird technical reasons) and when he put it back in Admin->Carriers properly, the original telephone company calls were also clear.

This is fairly common when experiencing call quality issues. There are a limited number of possibilities for the cause. Eliminating them one at a time will eventually lead to finding the real reason. Changing Telephone Companies therefore is merely part of the troubleshooting process (and it's a nice-easy-cheap one, at that! 8-) ).
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