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Postby Acidshock » Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:56 am

Quick Question:

Is /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_VDhopper.pl still used in cron any longer or has its job been used taken by another script now?

For some reason I thought it has been made obsolete but I have a system which for some reason is not pulling leads into the hopper. I run that script and it works fine. Ran the server IP update script to in order to be safe still a no go. I temporarily band-aided it by running it in cron every minute like I remember it used to be ran.

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Re: VDhopper

Postby mflorell » Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:47 pm

Yes, it does need to be run in the crontab every minute. No, it is not obsolete.
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Re: VDhopper

Postby jkidd » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:19 am

Hey Matt, will I break anything if I run this manually when trying to avoid the 1 minute wait? Figure I can program a macro key to run it and if I need to fire it off after making a change. (EG, make a change and half the call center gets up to say the hopper is empty trying to waste as much time as they can)

If I happen to run it at the same time as cron, will it cause an issue?
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Re: VDhopper

Postby mflorell » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:26 am

You can run it manually, but if you run it at exactly the same time it's possible that you may end up with duplicate leads in the hopper at the same time.
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Re: VDhopper

Postby jkidd » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:49 am

thanks, not worth the risk!
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Re: VDhopper

Postby williamconley » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:50 pm

We have several clients who have built their own methods (ok, had US build their own methods ...) for populating the hopper, allowing the regular vicidial script to become more of a "fallback". Some use their own process entirely (complex ones at that) for micromanaging which leads and why ... others merely insert special leads using the NonAgent API. As long as you keep enough leads in the hopper that the regular vicidial script never thinks more are needed, there's no interference.

The same applies for manually running the hopper script yourself. We've never actually experienced double lead loading, however, and we do have some clients who do this (usually just for testing purposes, to see what's loading/not loading and Why) ... but I'd definitely take Matt's word that double leads can happen!
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