Agent login for multiple campaign

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Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby tonywang » Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:10 pm

I am not sure if I am correct. I read from manager manual & test on VICIBOX. I found agent only can login one campaign at the same time. That's mean agent can only outbound within one campaign, or login Inbound closer type campaing for inblund only or blended. Is it possible allow agent login for multiple outbound campaing? Thanks for your advise!
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Postby mflorell » Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:02 am

No, you cannot have an agent login to more than one outbound campaign at once. There are some creative ways around this, like in SVN trunk(soon to be 2.2.0) you can override the script, callerID, answering machine message and drop inbound group per list ID even within the same campaign.
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Postby tonywang » Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:39 pm

Dear mflorell, million thanks for your answer. When is the 2.2.0 release date? I am very impressive about the VICIDIAL. I heard you are the VICIDIAL creator, is it? I just want to say. You are very outstanding developer!
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Postby mflorell » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:49 am

Thanks for the compliment. We do not have firm release dates, but we should be able to finish 2.2.0 and release it in the next couple months.
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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby sasb » Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:42 pm

Hi Matt

Is there any workaround to get an agent to take calls from two different outbound campaigns yet?

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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby mflorell » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:44 pm

Not really, other than dropping calls to an in-group and having agents in other campaigns take those dropped calls.
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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby williamconley » Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:05 pm

sasb wrote:Hi Matt

Is there any workaround to get an agent to take calls from two different outbound campaigns yet?


I bet if you describe the Reason you want to do this, we can describe a method to accomplish the task and it'll actually turn out you didn't want one agent in two Campaigns after all. I bet you one Pepsi.
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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby jbiafore » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:37 pm

Hi Matt and William,

I am fairly new to vicidial, so please bear with me. I am running version 2.8-425a and I am trying to accomplish something similar. I am going to be running real-time data and only want my top closers to receive those leads, however still be able to dial on the rest of the leads in the system (which are usually aged leads). The objective is to not have new agents or agents in training receive the real-time leads. I saw the previous reply about having the calls drop and then re-route back into an in-group, but since these leads are high priority (and quite expensive), I would prefer that they go straight to one of my top closers instead of having to wait while the dialer re-routes the dropped call. Is there a fairly simple way of accomplishing this?
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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby williamconley » Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:41 am

Drop calls can drop and reroute in less time than you can blink. These dialers deal with nano-second timing. The conventional "it takes a few seconds to ..." is not necessary. Test it out, of course, to demonstrate to yourself that an outbound call in a campaign can be caused to drop to a call menu and auto-route to an ingroup all in a split-second and still get to an agent in the ingroup before the person who answered the phone is even aware that anything happened. Power of your server helps (ie: Not quite so fast on a Core2Duo as it may be on a proper server ...).

That being said, you should probably also work with ranking and user level for "Next Agent Call" in the Campaign/Ingroup configuration. Those allow you to PREFER agents, but take anyone if those preferred agents are on a call already.
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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby hashtagjet » Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:19 pm

Hi Gents,

Sorry to jump into this thread. Mine is almost the same topic so I thought I'd just add it here instead of flooding with another same type of inquiry. Here goes...

I have an outbound/auto dial campaign and then transfers to In-group depending on what is clicked on the survey. Having one agent sitting on this could mean the person sitting a whole day doing nothing if no one clicks transfer to agent.

Is there a creative way (work around) to get this agent to also log into a manually dialed outbound campaign so we do not waste resources?

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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby williamconley » Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:05 pm

Your agents log in to a campaign already. Why don't you put leads in that campaign for autodialing?
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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby hashtagjet » Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:57 am

Here are issues/scenario basically.
1. The leads in there are auto-dialed and uses a survey.
2. Only less than 10% actually wants to talk to an agent.

My idea was, The agent logs into a manual dial campaign or another campaign (without survey) while still in the ingroup that the survey transfers to. Then the autodial with survey runs without agents logged in. That way, I don't have to explain paying an agent to sit in front of a computer doing nothing the whole day cause they are manually dialing someone else as well :-D

Hope I made sense.
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Re: Agent login for multiple campaign

Postby williamconley » Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:49 pm

Sure. Have the agents log into a different campaign entirely. Use a remote agent to activate the survey campaign and transfer those press 1's to an ingroup that the agents are also in. Set the non-survey campaign's Dial Level Difference Target to "leave two agents awaiting a call" and keep your dial ratio low enough so it can actually do that. It will rotate the agents waiting and while their wait time will be a little more than usual, it won't be much at all compared to what they have now while awaiting a press one.

You could even create a script that checks every minute to see if all agents are busy, and log the remote agent off if they are (and back on if they are not), thus avoiding dropping press-one calls when you finally get to the point that your agents are busy a lot of the time.
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