3way Display on Real Time Screen

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3way Display on Real Time Screen

Postby Docpluto » Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:21 am


We have a 6 server load balancing cluster setup with the following configuration:
2 Webservers, 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Quad Quad Core Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 8GB DDR2 Ram
3 Asterisk Server 3.4 Ghz Xeon E3 Quad-Core w/HT Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 16GB DDR3 Ram
1 Db Server 2.13 Ghz Xeon E5 6-Core w/HT Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 24GB DDR3 Ram
VERSION: 2.12-478a
BUILD: 150307-1914 Vicidial Scratch install on Centos 6.x

We are noticing incorrect labeling on the real time screen. When multiple calls come in from the same number to the same ingroup the Real Time Screen will show this as a 3way call when it is not. This happens whether it be calls coming into a specific ingroup or multiple ingroups have the same called from number. If the calls have the same called from number that calls a DID assigned to an ingroup the real time screen will group all these calls together and give them the 3way designation in the real time display. It will display the same number called from but the time will update as each new call comes into the ingroup if the call comes from the same DID and give the 3way designation. It occurs across multiple ingroups, like if the DID thats calling is the same it will group those together as a 3way and display the same time for each call on the real time display. For example we have 6 open agents ready to accept calls to 3 ingroups. If the same number calls into ingroup A and there are 4 calls from this number ingroup A the calls go immediately to open agents but these agents will all display 3way designation on all these calls with the same call time. If another 2 calls come in from a differnt number than before but the 2 calls come from the same number to Ingroup B it will display a second set of 3way designations for the agents on these calls and group these by the same call time. So you will now have 6 agents all on 3way, with 2 sets of call times for each set of 3way designations.

Has anyone experienced this behavior. It appears to be a bug in the real time display only. The real time display is going off the called from number to determine if the call is on a 3way or not. We get multiple calls to any one ingroup from the same IVR (so these have the same called from DID) the client has setup. So there are multiple calls going to multiple agents all the time with the same called from number. The real time screen instead of displaying the ingroup and the correct call time is displaying the 3way call designation and the time its been since the last call from the same ingroup coming from the same DID came in. This is frustrating for the Managers as the real time display is not accurately displaying the actual call, call time and ingroup the call came in on. It occurs across multiple ingroups, like if the DID thats calling is the same it will group those together as a 3way and display the same time. This behavior can be duplicated and was wondering if there is any patch or anything that can be done so the real time display actually displays the correct information of the call instead of 3way.
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Re: 3way Display on Real Time Screen

Postby mflorell » Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:15 am

What is the in-group call handle method that you have set before the call is put into the in-group?
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Re: 3way Display on Real Time Screen

Postby Docpluto » Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:58 pm


The in-group call handle method is CIDLOOKUPRC.
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Re: 3way Display on Real Time Screen

Postby mflorell » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:29 pm

That's your problem, The phone calls are being assigned the same LEAD ID because they have the same phone number.

To fix this you can set that setting to CID which will force a new lead_id for each new call coming in.
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Re: 3way Display on Real Time Screen

Postby Docpluto » Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:56 am


Thank you for your response. The switching to the setting CID has worked. Once again many thanks.
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