Export Leads Report Pulling Improper Data

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Export Leads Report Pulling Improper Data

Postby Docpluto » Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:58 pm

We have a 6 server load balancing cluster setup with the following configuration:
2 Webservers, 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Quad Quad Core Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 8GB DDR2 Ram
3 Asterisk Server 3.4 Ghz Xeon E3 Quad-Core w/HT Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 16GB DDR3 Ram
1 Db Server 2.13 Ghz Xeon E5 6-Core w/HT Dual 256GB SSD Raid1 24GB DDR3 Ram
VERSION: 2.12-478a
BUILD: 150307-1914 Vicidial Scratch install on Centos 6.x

We have a mainly inbound call center setup here. We have over 600 DID trunks. Since its an inbound center we have agents that skill for ingroups and DIDS assigned to that ingroup. Meaning they are trained per ingroup or DID assigned to that ingroup. So basically since agents need to take calls from differnt ingroups all the ingroups are part of one major campaign. So we can change agents ingroups settings and they can be logged into the same campaign, etc. Everything has been working fine however we have noticed several major descrepancies in the EXPORT LEADS REPORT,

Lets say we want to see all the calls for a particular ingroup. We go to the Export Lead Report and select the Date range, Head Row Yes, Reccording Fields Location, Per call Notes No, Export Fields Standard. Under Campaign We select the campaign with all the ingroups in it, for Inbound Groups we select the inbound groups that we want to pull the leads for, For lists we select ALL, For Statuses we Select ALL, and for user Groups We Select All.

This pulls the leads for the particular ingroup right? Well no it actually doesnt just pull for those ingroups. It pulls those plus some other data that shouldnt be on the report. Like Outbound leads, And it also pulls leads with agents that arent even skilled for that ingroup. So Something appears to be really off. It also lists ingroup under campaign, which isnt a problem but it is incorrect. This is very concerning as we depend on these reports for a lot of things, one of them is billing for example. If it contains leads that arent part of the ingroup selected its not pulling a correct report and the data extrapolated can get convoluted. Understand? I can attach an image but I do not know how. If someone could explain it I could highlight what I am talking about.
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Re: Export Leads Report Pulling Improper Data

Postby williamconley » Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:00 am

Note that a report designed to pull data for "Leads" could well be identifying all leads that match the criteria, then pulling ALL the data for that lead.

A report designed to pull for "Calls", however, should be limited to matching criteria without excess unrelated data.
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