Just to share with you, i am working on a wrapper to make it even easier to use the APIs on PHP
I know this is kinda dumb but i got bored about doing the same code over and over every time i need to customize something, to be honest i never changed the vicidial code i rather prefer using external scripts such as using the API, URL Scripts or even direct DB conections but never the source (maybe some day).
Anyway my intention is to make it even easier to write an external app for Vicidial the resulting code is very clear
- Code: Select all
require 'vicidialAgentAPI.php';
try {
$AgentAPI = new VicidialAgentAPI("", "VicidialAPI", "gabriel", "Sup3rP4ss",true);
$AgentAPI->pause("gabriel", "PAUSE");
$AgentAPI->dispo("gabriel", "SALE");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
This is the first code that i publish ever, usually i code only for myself and i dont have practice at this, but i have to start somewhere.
I will keep adding more stuff