Missing Recordings on Archive Server

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Missing Recordings on Archive Server

Postby ajax1515 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:58 pm

Basically what I have done is add a column to the asterisk.recording_log table called `processed` which is a simple boolean field. I have a script that sits on our main corporate server that looks through the recording log grabbing the `recording_id` and `location` of all rows that have `processed`='0'.

Then I loop through that result and use ftp_get to pull the recording from the archive, do a little processing on our main server, and then upload it into our cloud files. Once successful the row is updated with `processed`='1'.

So this script works 95% of the time beautifully. However I've started to notice that there is a growing number of unprocessed rows each day. All of these fail on the ftp_get with a File Not Found error.

I've taken a look at all the log entries where the ftp_get is failing and they are indeed not present on the archive server.

My question then is: "Under what circumstances would a call be entered into the recording_log, call_log, and vicidial_log, and be given a (what looks to be) proper entry in the recording_log.location column but then not actually have a matching recording on the archive server?"

I'm thinking it may be a Call Status thing, or some kind of setting that's telling vicidial not to save certain types of calls even though all my campaigns have ALLFORCE for recordings...

Just need a little guidance here; thanks in advance.
ViciBox v.7.0.2-160325
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Re: Missing Recordings on Archive Server

Postby mflorell » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:55 pm

There can be all sorts of reasons a recording isn't present, from the recording now existing on the dialer in the first place, so network transport issues. If your system is very high volume, and you are auto-dialing, it's possible that an agent or the customer will hangup a call before the recording file is able to start, but after the recording_log entry was created, so it would be a good idea to look at the length of the recordings that are missing to see if they are very short. We've also seen it happen where there is another machine on the network with the same IP address as the archive server and a large number of recordings are lost during transport. There can also be other network issues that can inhibit file transport. We've even seen virtual FTP hosts use load balancing that sends the data stream of an FTP transfer to a node that is down and that results in missing recordings.
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Re: Missing Recordings on Archive Server

Postby ajax1515 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:55 pm

Ok, thanks for the response, I'll just have to dig in deeper.
ViciBox v.7.0.2-160325
VICIDIAL-VERSION: 2.12-550a BUILD: 160414-1013
Asterisk 11.22.0-vici
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