Auto dial without connection delay?

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Auto dial without connection delay?

Postby edooze » Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:58 am

Hi all,

Quick question - we know all the leads in our campaign will be answered. Wondering if there is a way to enable Auto-dial and have the agent connected at the ringing tone? It would be great to hear the greeting of the staff member rather than having to confirm we've got the right lead etc due to the brief silence while the system detects the answer.

Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
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Re: Auto dial without connection delay?

Postby proper » Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:56 am

edooze wrote:Hi all,

Quick question - we know all the leads in our campaign will be answered. Wondering if there is a way to enable Auto-dial and have the agent connected at the ringing tone? It would be great to hear the greeting of the staff member rather than having to confirm we've got the right lead etc due to the brief silence while the system detects the answer.


If you are dialling at a ratio, it is not possible to have agent listen to ring tone, because there are more lines calling than available agents and noone knows which one will answer, so you get the call sent to agent only there is an answer. Delay you mention is usually caused by answering machine detection system, this system listens for clues that call is connected to live person and only then sends the call to agent. This causes moments of silence before agent is connected, you can disable this system.

To do this login to admin panel, open campaign you are working with, in detailed view find setting called "Routing Extension" and change current value to 8368.
If you later want to enable answering machine detection algorithm again, change it back to 8369.

When disabling answering machine detection it is recommended to reduce "dial time-out" setting to 20-23 seconds to prevent answering machine calls going to your agents, but if you are not worried about that - should not be an issue.
Last edited by proper on Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Auto dial without connection delay?

Postby edooze » Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:14 pm

proper wrote: this login to admin panel, open campaign you are working with, in detailed view find setting called "Routing Extension" and change current value to 8368.
If you later want to enable answering machine detection algorithm again, change it back to 8369.

We are running 1:1 Auto Dial, as we know all leads will be answered. AM detection is great for B2C Campaigns, but as ours are B2B it's more an inconvenience not to hear the call introduction.

Thanks for that tip. I'll try it out in today's session.
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
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Re: Auto dial without connection delay?

Postby edooze » Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:26 pm

edooze wrote:
proper wrote: this login to admin panel, open campaign you are working with, in detailed view find setting called "Routing Extension" and change current value to 8368.
If you later want to enable answering machine detection algorithm again, change it back to 8369.

We are running 1:1 Auto Dial, as we know all leads will be answered. AM detection is great for B2C Campaigns, but as ours are B2B it's more an inconvenience not to hear the call introduction.

Thanks for that tip. I'll try it out in today's session.

Okay, so we were already at 8368 for the campaign in question. It doesn't need AMD as it's B2B not B2C. Any other suggestions? At the moment this makes me loathe to switch agents off Manual dialing, which is a vastly reduced productivity.
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
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Re: Auto dial without connection delay?

Postby proper » Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:45 pm

edooze wrote:
edooze wrote:
proper wrote: this login to admin panel, open campaign you are working with, in detailed view find setting called "Routing Extension" and change current value to 8368.
If you later want to enable answering machine detection algorithm again, change it back to 8369.

We are running 1:1 Auto Dial, as we know all leads will be answered. AM detection is great for B2C Campaigns, but as ours are B2B it's more an inconvenience not to hear the call introduction.

Thanks for that tip. I'll try it out in today's session.

Okay, so we were already at 8368 for the campaign in question. It doesn't need AMD as it's B2B not B2C. Any other suggestions? At the moment this makes me loathe to switch agents off Manual dialing, which is a vastly reduced productivity.

Are you using manual method or ratio?
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Re: Auto dial without connection delay?

Postby edooze » Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:46 pm

Manual at this time. Hoping to move to Auto dial to improve productivity, but we need to hear the company introduction by the gatekeeper for call flow reasons.
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
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Re: Auto dial without connection delay?

Postby edooze » Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:21 pm

Just a bump as I'm still looking at this issue. One of the agents today asked when we were likely to get the auto-dial feature enabled. I didn't have the heart to tell him that we're not.

To re-iterate, we want the system to automatically dial as soon as the agent dispositions the call, but have no time delay when connecting the outgoing call to the conference (so we can hear the ringtone).

At present, we either have to dial manually (we're very lazy) or miss the receptionists introduction. Choice of two evils.

Any ideas? What might be involved in adding this feature as an option?
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
1 x Multi-server & 1 x Dialer/Web from ISO
Virtualised (KVM) - 4 CPU/4GB RAM (Multi) - 2CPU/4GB RAM (dialer/web)
Both SIP & IAX used
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:46 am

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