1) You should be using Vicibox instead of Goautodial (these are the Installers for "Vicidial"). Vicibox is more recent and maintained more often, plus it installs the latest version of Vicidial (whereas Goautodial installs a specific version which is a full version or more behind, as a rule).
2) Integration with other packages is accomplished via the API in Vicidial and/or using the Web Form campaign field(s) and dispo_url field (along with the no-agent url and start-call url), also in the campaign settings. Of course there is also direct database integration and script page which can be used for similar methods as the web form.
3) Without a description of the "evidence base" there's not much more I could do to help you. However, there is a lot of information out there on how to use LimeSurvey with Vicidial, which may be on point for your situation if my guess is correct.
Happy Hunting *)