Updated ssl now required by browsers section has been added to the install walk through on GitHub.
Needed and Wanted html 5 webphone / WebRTC, not java, not active x, not flash based phone.
Wanted to keep asterisk unchanged for performance and stability.
The main purpose for us was to get to a web phone app where agents could nail up voice on login, and not necessarily to use the web phone for general outbound calling, again to use it for the purpose of nailed up voice on agent login.
(since this is a javascript implementation and html 5 this should work theoretically on any device and browser that supports html5 and WebRTC)
Summary of findings and some narrative:
Webrtc2sip will act as a gateway to asterisk converting websocket connections and handing off SDP instruction to any version of asterisk.
Asterisk does not need to be modified patched or otherwise changed from a source code perspective. Some adjustments to .conf are helpful.
Upon testing, have not seen an increase in load on the server, no voice degradation.
The key here is don't trans-code. No trans-coding = low load / no load. Use ulaw or you can compile the gateway with g729 if you need to and have g729 compiled and loaded our your vici asterisk flavor.
With the advent of DTLS and SRTP (Forced in the new versions of Chrome and Firefox) - the gateway handshakes these secure protocols with the WEBRTC request, and hands off the SDP to asterisk for a connection and voice delivery.
The settings for the webphone are instructions to let the gateway know where to hand off the SDP.
Again the gateway doesn't need to be installed with any codecs if you are using ulaw, just ssl and srtp
Version installed and tested with:
ViciBox Redux v.5.0.2-130821 (zypper up && zypper refresh to grab the latest svn during vicibox-install) asterisk
(Standard Install)
Install and testing was done to an external ip vicibox with 1 to 1 natting and appropriate iptables firewalling
Tested with latest version of chrome on WinXP
Tested with a Chromebook (fantastic)
******************************************************************************Ok Enough let's get to the install part******************************
Instructions to setup gateway: