Outbound IVR broadcast

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Outbound IVR broadcast

Postby Deepak365 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:53 pm

Here is my config:
Goautodial 2.1 or vicidial 2.4
Asterisk 1.4
I am trying to setup an outbound ivr campaign in which if customer picks up the call then customer would get a msg and then call would hung up. If call goes to answering machine then after beep ivr message should be played and then should be hunged up. And all this with remote agent, I tried this:
Test broadcast campaign active
Uploaded the audio file (16bit8hzmono.wav) in audio store
In survey selected the audio file in first file
Routing extension in campaign=8366
Now when i make a call it goes like a normal outbound call, no ivr.
Questions : what should be the survey type?(dont want customer to press anything)
Do i need to do anything with dtmf?
To forward call to ivr audio file do i have to change anything in dialplan entry?
I read lots of forums here (really lots of) and its all mixed up.
Please reply with step by step as i dont want to disturb experts again. Thank you
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Re: Outbound IVR broadcast

Postby williamconley » Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:32 pm

1) Always include your Vicidial version WITH BUILD. (Good job including at least the basic version and the Installer with Version, though :) ). Seriously consider that you are using a Very Old version of Vicidial and should either upgrade it or install Fresh from Vicbox.com's .iso installer. This software has improved by leaps and bounds since that version ... although for your purposes today, it may not make much of a difference, LOL.

2) Start with a fresh campaign. Verify autodial works with a logged in or remote agent. This is required for valid start (ie: Functional Vicidial system). Then:
* Change JUST the Routing Extension to 8366. Test it again. Verify everything works. Do not make any changes to the Survey settings, just be sure it works as expected (audio plays, press 1 transfers, whatever you care about, but do not make any change aside from 8366 before running the test ... if it does not work, go back to the previous step as your dialer is broken! LOL)
* Change JUST the Survey First Audio File. Run the test again. If the audio does not play, you uploaded the wrong audio format or the audio store is broken. Probably the former. Verify the format with the instruction/warning/notation in the audio store (audacity works very well for generating this type of file, it's usually only about $25 to have someone else format it for you so it'll work, max). Also put back the original audio file to be sure you have not broken anything if this test fails (accidentally changing two things can make you wander around lost for a couple hours until you start over again).
* Continue changing ONE thing at a time and TESTING after each change and going back if the new test fails to be sure you didn't break a previous change. Baby steps, you'll eventually get where you need to be without paying anyone for anything.
* Newer versions have a "survey method" of "hangup".
* If you leave the ability for someone to press 1238, you can set those recordings to the same recording as the Survey First Audio File, and the result of pressing a button will then be "start the recording over", LOL.

Happy Hunting 8-)
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