Agent goes in pause randomly

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Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:11 am

Hi all,

the agents go in pause randomly without any reason.

any idea?

thanks a lot in advantages for all reply
Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby williamconley » Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:46 pm

1) Welcome to the Party! 8-)

2) As you are obviously new here, I have some suggestions to help us all help you:

When you post, please post your entire configuration including (but not limited to) your installation method (7.X.X?) and vicidial version with build (VERSION: 2.X-XXXx ... BUILD: #####-####).

This IS a requirement for posting along with reading the stickies (at the top of each forum) and the manager's manual (available on, both free and paid versions)

You should also post: Asterisk version, telephony hardware (model number is helpful here), cluster information if you have one, and whether any other software is installed in the box. If your installation method is "manual/from scratch" you must post your operating system with version (and the .iso version from which you installed your original operating system) plus a link to the installation instructions you used. If your installation is "Hosted" list the site name of the host.

If this is a "Cloud" or "Virtual" server, please note the technology involved along with the version of that techology (ie: VMware Server Version 2.0.2). If it is not, merely stating the Motherboard model # and CPU would be helpful.

Similar to This:

Vicibox X.X from .iso | Vicidial X.X.X-XXX Build XXXXXX-XXXX | Asterisk X.X.X | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel DG35EC | Core2Quad Q6600

3) Is there a message associated with this event? Are you certain it's not just the agents pushing pause so they can get paid not to work? Have you personally observed or experienced this?

4) Does this happen to all agents at all locations?

5) Are the agents in the same physical location as the vicidial server?
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:31 am

My configuration is:

goautodial 3.3 | Vicidial VERSION: 2.11-476a BUILD: 150302-0945 | Asterisk 1.8.23-0-vici| Single Server| No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz

when the agent goes in pause a pop-up appear and writes "the agent goes in pause". This happens on all agent of all campaign in/out and blended. but i not find the reason.

any help are appreciate.

Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
Posts: 88
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:36 am

i read somewhere that dipends of time syncro but not is real trouble because the time are syncronized perfectly.

Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
Posts: 88
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby udy786 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:11 am

In past, same issue was on one of my client's server. Few second time difference I saw in admin page. After that just I installed ntpd and started ntpd.

My problem solved.

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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Wed Aug 24, 2016 8:51 am

the time is perfectly syncronized every minute and the seconds are perfect.
i don't know why the server puts the agents in pause, this occurs on every campaign (out/in/manual).

help me please is a very big hole.

any help are appreciate.
Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
Posts: 88
Joined: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:00 am

Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby williamconley » Fri Sep 02, 2016 10:15 pm

brando16 wrote:when the agent goes in pause a pop-up appear and writes "the agent goes in pause". This happens on all agent of all campaign in/out and blended.

Does this happen on every call? Or at certain times of the day (heavy usage only..)?

This can be caused by poor internet connections or any one of several reasons. Usually the specific, detailed, reason can be ascertained by the exact error message that pops up.

"the agent goes in pause" is not an actual error message. If, however, it says "you have been paused", it's likely a bad internet connection or someone else logging in with your credentials on earlier systems.

If it continues to haunt you, perhaps you should consider rebuilding your server with Vicibox 7.0.3 instead of Goautodial 3.0. The Vicibox 7 installer is more thoroughly tested and has more repair technicians available. (PoundTeam works on both, so we don't care, LOL)

Please also verify the "average server load" from htop and/or 'uptime' when this happens. And try to be clear about WHEN it happens. Is it random? But roughly how often? Every agent every 5 minutes is different than one random agent every several hours. It's also important to know the sever load and anything else that can help to predict the occurrences.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:46 am

hi William,

the server load average from htop is 1.24 the load are generated from mysql some time goes up to 130% of cpu. Go autodial have interesting interfaces for admin and agent and i need to use this for more time.
the message of the pop-up is "Your Session has been paused" the network doesn't have any trouble because are in two different lan but with only a router and latency is about 100ms from "sip show peers"

this happens completely random for all day but without time interval defined.

i hope be clear to understend my problem.

thank you
Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
Posts: 88
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby williamconley » Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:52 pm

You answered questions, but not the ones I asked, although "random" was mentioned:

Is it safe to say that this not happen if you have only one agent online? (this would indicate that heavier load may have an effect)

You said the network doesn't have any trouble, but your statement after "because" was in no way a method to prove this. Having your agents on a different network behind a router is not a method to prove your network is not having a problem. In fact, I will now suggest that it's likely a networking issue causing your problem and let you try to prove me wrong: Method ... put an agent (just one) on the same local network as the Vicidial server so there is no router between the agent and Vicidial. If this agent experiences the same problem, you've proven me wrong. If this agent NEVER experiences the problem, then you have a networking issue.

Next up: Low latency ... which is not in any way related to this issue. Dropping packets does not increase "latency". But dropping packets can cause paused agents.

Next up: htop load average is 1.24 ... when? During the moment this occurred? Or at a random moment of your choosing when you checked? And how does this correlate to the problem? Does this problem ALSO occur when the load average is 0.5? And 2.7? And 5.3? How many cores does your system have? (If it has 2 cores, then 1.24 is overloaded slightly ... if it has 8 cores, then 1.24 is not overloaded at all.)

Remember that the goal here is to see if there is a correlation between "Paused" and anything else, which means collecting data to correlate. Do you have a log of the times this has happened? Along with the server load and number of logged in agents and type of call (or state of the agent such as "READY" or "INCALL")? That could be very useful for resolving the issue. Remember that your "gut feeling/opinion" will interfere with finding the issue, as you will reflexively look for data to support your opinion and may overlook data that contradicts it. So start a log and record as much information about the agent/call/system as you can for each occurrence. Eventually you'll get it IF it's not a bad router (which is why we like to remove the router/networking from the equation by putting an agent on the same network as Vicidial whenever possible).

Yes, we've been down this road many times. Found all sorts of reasons: Bad network wire, bad switch, bad router, bad network card, bad ISP connection, overloaded network circuit, shared user login information ...
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:56 am

I was confronted with the head of the network and confirms that there are no network problems .
Today I will provide to insert an agent in the same lan and let it work from there to see what you've suggested you .
The server has the following configuration :

1. Intel Xeon E5520 dual socket ( 4 physical and 8 logical cores with hyper threading ) for a total of 16 logical cores .
2. Ram 16GB
3. 600 GB SATA HDD

the load 1.24 i check not when the problem is verified but instantly after.

I'll know you soon

thanks for moment.
Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:07 am

the problem occurs more and more often.

I had the upgrade now :lol:

thanks a lot
Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby williamconley » Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:01 pm

brando16 wrote:I was confronted with the head of the network and confirms that there are no network problems .
Today I will provide to insert an agent in the same lan and let it work from there to see what you've suggested you .
The server has the following configuration :

1. Intel Xeon E5520 dual socket ( 4 physical and 8 logical cores with hyper threading ) for a total of 16 logical cores .
2. Ram 16GB
3. 600 GB SATA HDD

the load 1.24 i check not when the problem is verified but instantly after.

1) The head of the network saying "not my problem" is not a method of troubleshooting. You need to check for dropped packets between the agent workstations and the vicidial server. No network admin anywhere has ever said "yeah, my network configuration sucks for Vicidial" without having previous Vicidial experience. LOL

2) Turn off hyperthreading (IMHO: Hyperthreading is great for windows but causes problems for Linux which can't be "fooled" in such a fashion).

3) A single check of 1.24 immediately after a single instance is not the same as "gathering data". Start a log. EACH time it happens, gather as much information about the occurrence as possible.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby brando16 » Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:26 am

Hi william,

i tested with one agent in the same network of goautodial server, but the problem occur every 30 min insteade 5 minuts but is totally random.

For disable Hyperthreading i need to reboot the machine and is an hard work for me, because i have to stop production. I'm programming extra hours work.

I ask you how to enable log for this reason. Can you explain me?

thanks a lot!!! :lol:
Vicibox VERSION: 2.14-580a | BUILD: 161029-2304 | OpenSuSE v.42.1 64-bit | Kernel v.4.1.13 | Asterisk v.11.25.1-vici | DAHDI v.2.10.2 | LibPRI v.1.4.14 | Amfletec VoiceSync v.1.3.8 | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.12-533a build 161205-1650 revision 2461
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Re: Agent goes in pause randomly

Postby williamconley » Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:11 pm

There are several logs available. Admin->Servers has options for some of them. Changing here should cause immediate logging. Consider turning them back off when you are done if your system is heavily loaded

/etc/asterisk/logger.conf is another place where logging is controlled. This is an asterisk log file and there is a great deal of information available in the asterisk forums for it (these should not actually have any direct information about your problem ... but it might!). Some of this information is also available via "screen -r asterisk" on any dialer. Beware of this as it requires "ctrl-a" then "ctrl-d" to exit without breaking asterisk.

Vicidial logs are stored in /var/log/astguiclient
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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