Issue with No Answer Auto Dial

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Issue with No Answer Auto Dial

Postby dev_4901 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:53 am


I just noticed something which is quite disturbing and is making our costs of dialing go up.

1. The numbers that are disposed as NO ANSWER AUTO DIAL consume 1 sec of my VoIP minutes that I've bought from my SIP provider. If suppose in an 8 hr shift with 15 secs of DIAL TIMEOUT, more 3000 numbers go as NO ANSWER AUTO DIAL.
The confusion arises here, if Vicidial is dropping the line after 15 secs on its accord without any connection being established, I should not see the same number in the CDR from the providers end, because the number never connected.

2. In MANUAL DIAL only campaigns, I can the numbers being dialed in the asterisk CLI. Also the same numbers are in the dummy lead list that I'd uploaded so as to avoid getting "NO LEADS IN HOPPER" error. Also there is a disposition as to what happened with the number like "NO ANSWER AUTO DIAL" or "DROP - AGENT NOT AVAILABLE" etc..

3. In one campaign I've changed the Dial Prefix to as per my requirement, but still when I use TRANSFER-CONF the agent interface sends the number as 91 and then the 10 digit number.

Plz advice.


P.S. Using Vicidial - 2.0.2 with asterisk 1.2.14 and utilizing ztdummy.
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Postby dev_4901 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:20 am


No one here has answer to this weird behaviour???

Plz advice urgently
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Postby mflorell » Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:58 am

1. try a different provider, they should not be charging you for non-answered calls, T1 PRI providers do not charge anything for those.

2. not sure what this issue is, but if you upgrade to 2.0.3 you can allow logins without leads on an out bound campaign.

3. in transfer-conf you need to use the OVERRIDE checkbox to not include the 91 when dialing.
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Postby dev_4901 » Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:13 pm

Thanx Matt.....

Even before your suggestion, I had tried this with different 4 providers, the result is still the same. Even when I see in the database, the corresponding entry has a call length of 1 sec.

Plz advice.
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Postby Op3r » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:28 pm


With no answer you shouldn't be charged for it because it didn't connect. VOIP providers have this 6/6 cycle billings. or 6 seconds or what ever.

Change your voip provider. Try binfone for a change.
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