Vicibox (7.0.2 / 7.0.4 in this case) is the Installer for Vicidial. The installer version is never actually relevant after installation. It merely provides a viable environment for Vicidial to run. Technically speaking, you can use Vicibox 1.0RC2 and install the latest version of ViciDIAL onto it and it'll work just fine. Keep that in mind.
Vicidial compatibility requires that the DB and the Vicidial scripts ... match. So if you have a DB that matched VERSION: 2.12-551a BUILD: 160427-1656 and your new server has VERSION: 2.14-592a BUILD: 170221-1542, you have two choices:
* Downgrade the Vicidial Version.
* Upgrade the Database Schema.
For the downgrade of the Vicidial system, you *could* copy the /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk folder from the original machine to the new one and then execute "perl" in that folder to push all the script files where they belong. You could also use the svn command to specify the version of Vicidial to force subversion to just go get the right version, and then perform that same install request.
For the upgrade of the DB, there's an "UPGRADE" document in that same folder. Essentially, there are ".sql" files for each major version of Vicidial. After each command in the file ... is a sql command that changes the "db schema" value in the database. Find all the commands that have not run ... and run them. Many just execute the whole file, but we like to copy the file, delete the commands up to and including the present db_schema, and then execute the modified copy (so only the "not yet run" commands are executed). To get the present DB schema, you check "admin->system settings", which is the value that is changed after every executed line in the file, so you can always see what the present DB schema is without checking an install log.
Of course, you could have probably swapped the SSD drives into the existing RAID one at a time without reinstalling at all.
Do note that while RAID1 is good for redundancy, it will fail under heavy stress. As will RAID5. RAID10 is the only proven reliable raid level after years of testing Vicidial (for the DB server, which responds to thousands of DB requests per second!). A six drive RAID10 is a very good idea if you can manage it. But only on the DB server. The other servers can survive with RAID1 or NO raid at all. (Just a fast HD)