Better Understanding of Camp Dial Statuses

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Better Understanding of Camp Dial Statuses

Postby mstopkey » Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:07 am

Greetings all. I cannot find this on forum or full explanation in the manual. I just need clarification. On autodial campaign dial statuses, say a lead has 3 phones in vicidial_list table and the 1st phone is auto dialed and returns ADC, will the other phones be dialed if ADC is not set in the campaign dial statuses or will the dialer stop calling that lead because ADC is not in the dial statuses?
One other question, in dial plan string, what does {EXTEN:1} do? Example: exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(${SIPTRUNK1}/${EXTEN:1},,tTo) and since we are clustered, should Asterisk server #2 carrier dial plan {EXTEN:1} be different? I.E. {EXTEN:2}

And yes, we are in process of building upgraded cluster with current version of ViciDial
ViciBox 7.0.4 | Version 2.14-694a | SVN Trunk | 2803| Asterisk 11.25.1-vici |Build 181005-1738 | DB Schema 1561 | 7 64bit Telephony servers | 3 64bit Web servers | 1 64bit Database server | 1 64bit Archive server
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Re: Better Understanding of Camp Dial Statuses

Postby mstopkey » Thu May 04, 2017 8:56 am

Ok, let me re-phrase the question. When dialing in ratio mode with Auto Alt-Number Dialing set to Extended Only and a lead's 1st phone from the vicidial_list table is dialed and is say ADC, if the campaign Dail Status to Call does not have ADC selected, will the dialer call that lead's other phones from the vicidial_list_alt_phones table?
ViciBox 7.0.4 | Version 2.14-694a | SVN Trunk | 2803| Asterisk 11.25.1-vici |Build 181005-1738 | DB Schema 1561 | 7 64bit Telephony servers | 3 64bit Web servers | 1 64bit Database server | 1 64bit Archive server
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Re: Better Understanding of Camp Dial Statuses

Postby blackbird2306 » Wed May 10, 2017 5:42 am

There is no need for "Dial Status to Call" selection. For this vicidial has an own configuration. Under Campaign Main -> choose desired campaign -> Detail View -> on the top there is a tab called "Auto Alt Dial". Here you can make your own choice of statuses, which trigger the alternative number dialing.

If the Auto Alt-Number Dialing field is set, then the leads that are dispositioned under these auto alt dial statuses will have their alt_phone and-or address3 fields dialed after any of these no-answer statuses are set.
Vicibox 6.0.2 from Vicibox_v.6.0.x86_64-6.0.2.iso | Vicidial 2.12-560a build: 160617-1427 | Asterisk
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