New vici vs old asterisk box

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New vici vs old asterisk box

Postby c20xh2 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:19 am


I have an old Vicidial installation:

VERSION: 2.12-561a
BUILD: 160708-0745

I installed a new updated Vicidial on the same network:

VERSION: 2.14-583a
BUILD: 161226-2224
Asterisk: 11.25.1-vici

The old asterisk box have a PRI card in it and I would like to run some test before I complete the transfert from the old Vici to the new one.

I added the old asterisk box in the server section of the new Vicidial.
I copied the carrier from the old asterisk box to the new one and made sure the activate it and to choose the old asterisk for the server.
I made sure the phone (gs102) point to the old asterisk box in the config.
Using X-light softphone I'm able to send calls using the old asterisk box

Problem : I'm unable to login as an agent using the phone, I get the following error:

Code: Select all
Sorry, there are no available sessions: |||gs102|SIP/gs102| is the IP from the old asterisk box, so it look like the configs are working.

When I look at asterisk -vvvvr, I don't see any message showing connection attempt from the softphone. But when I do a call directly from the softphone, I see the call going threw and everything work fine.

What am I missing here ?
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Re: New vici vs old asterisk box

Postby mflorell » Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:29 am

# /usr/share/astguiclient/ --help - updates server_ip in the asterisk
database and in the local /etc/astguiclient.conf file.

command-line options:
[--help] = this help screen
[--debug] = verbose debug messages
[--auto] = no prompts
configuration options:
[--old-server_ip=] = define old server IP address at runtime
[--server_ip=] = define new server IP address at runtime
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Re: New vici vs old asterisk box

Postby c20xh2 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:45 pm

I tought about this solution but would'nt that break the old vicidial ?

If I understand correcly updating the database on the old asterisk boxe would break the link with the old database ?

Just to be sure i'm clear, my goal is to send calls using the new vici DB and web serveur with the old asterisk. Meanwhile I would like to keep the production server (old db, web server) running.
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Re: New vici vs old asterisk box

Postby mflorell » Tue Jul 25, 2017 2:49 pm

A Vicidial dialer can only interact with one database.
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