No Voice Calls in VICIdial

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No Voice Calls in VICIdial

Postby shan » Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:50 pm


I am a newbie in VICIdial. I have been assigned a task of troubleshooting no voice calls in a project. I have ViciBox v.7.0.3-160505 installed. My CRM(web interface) shows lots of No voice calls on daily basis. However my testing results could not replicate any issue. I have done some literature related to AGI scripting, which explains that some AGI commands like EXEC Dial are not channel interactive and keeps on execution even if the channel is hung up. This might be one of the reason that if the channel might be hung up at one party therefore no voice is observed at the other party because I have seen much wrap-up time in CRM and CDRs duration do not match with what is observed in SIP Wireshark trace for these no voice calls observed. However my personal testing results related to AGI have not replicated no voice issue. Can anyone have idea whats the problem I am actually not able to diagnose?
ViciBox v.7.0.3-160505
kernel: 4.1.20-11-default
Asterisk 11.22.0-vici
svn, version 1.8.10 (r1615264)
openSUSE Leap 42.1 (x86_64)"
architecture: x86_64
Dahdi 2.11.1
Vicidial VERSION: 2.12-552a
BUILD: 160429-0835
© 2016 ViciDial Group
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:53 pm

Re: No Voice Calls in VICIdial

Postby kumar2arbind » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:24 am

hello shan,

Please go through "Please read before posting for support!"

Go through simple troubleshooting like

Case 1 : Single agent facing voice issue

Check agent microphone in working properly or not
Check agent system sound settings enabled
Check all calls are blank or some calls having issue

Send agent system IP to network team to check anything is block for this ip on firewall
Ping agent system IP from server and check if any packet loos

Case 2 : Multiple agent facing voice issue

Check all agent who facing issue are in same campaign or different campaign
Check all agent who facing issue are in same network or different network
Ping network IP from server and check if any packet loos

you can also check network is behind router or firewall,if yes then did you try NAT= yes. check any thing blocking your rtp packet

go through sip debug you find something of your use , happy hunting.
Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2016 2:01 am

Re: No Voice Calls in VICIdial

Postby shan » Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:06 am

hi kumar2arbind,

I have carried out various checks as per your recommendation and following are my findings:

Issue is with multiple agents.
There is only one campaign configured in which all agents are present.
All agents are in same network.
Live ping on network IP does not show any issue. I do not have any tool to check history of network parameters.
Network is behind NAT. nat=force_rport,comedia (using Asterisk 11)
rtp.conf file rtp range defined 10,000 -20,000.
iptables show 8,000 - 54,000 ports ACCEPT.
sip packet dump does not show any issue.
How can I know if any RTP ports are blocked of all network devices which are present in my call route from customer to agent.
Customer call comes through following way: customer mobile ----> local gsm network ---> telco provider ---> data center ---> call center gateway ----> agents
Any helpful advice would be highly appreciated?
ViciBox v.7.0.3-160505
kernel: 4.1.20-11-default
Asterisk 11.22.0-vici
svn, version 1.8.10 (r1615264)
openSUSE Leap 42.1 (x86_64)"
architecture: x86_64
Dahdi 2.11.1
Vicidial VERSION: 2.12-552a
BUILD: 160429-0835
© 2016 ViciDial Group
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:53 pm

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