Remote Agent Transfer Caller ID

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Remote Agent Transfer Caller ID

Postby rockgeneral » Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:29 pm

I have an in-group that has a couple of remote agents in it. When calls come into the in-group they are transferred to outside phone numbers supplied in the External Extension field. As expected, when the remote agent picks up the line the caller id shows the phone number of the caller that called the DID attached to the in-group. However, these remote agents would like me to send a static caller id string so they know that the call is coming from me so they can change how they answer the phone.

My question is this. Where is the setting that that controls the caller id for transfers made to the External Extension by the Vicidial Remote Agent? If there is not a setting in the Admin Interface, I would settle for a custom dialplan that hard codes the caller id. I am not aware if this is possible and if so how to do it. If this is possible I would make a special carrier entry to use when transferring these calls. Any insights you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Obviously, I would prefer a config that uses the admin interface.
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ViciBox_v9.x86_64-9.0.2.iso | Version: 2.14b0.5 SVN: 3551 | DB Schema Version: 1650 | Asterisk 13.29.2-vici | Single Server
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Re: Remote Agent Transfer Caller ID

Postby rockgeneral » Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:53 pm

I was able to get the system to pass a hard-coded caller-id value for the Vicidial Remote Agent calls to the physical agent. I accomplished this by creating a new Carrier with a line inserted into the Dialpan Entry that set the CID value. (In bold below) I've tested it and it seems to work. The caller-id displayed on the agent's phone showed up as +1 999-999-9999. Now they will know the calls are coming from our marketing campaign and can answer appropriately.

exten => _41NXXNXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _41NXXNXXXXXX,2,Set(CALLERID(num)=9999999999)
exten => _41NXXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(${VOIPESSMAN2CID}/729${EXTEN:1},,tTo)
exten => _41NXXNXXXXXX,4,Hangup

1) Is there any downside to doing it this way?

2) Is there a simpler/better way of accomplishing this?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you all have to offer.
System Info:
ViciBox_v9.x86_64-9.0.2.iso | Version: 2.14b0.5 SVN: 3551 | DB Schema Version: 1650 | Asterisk 13.29.2-vici | Single Server
Posts: 93
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Re: Remote Agent Transfer Caller ID

Postby mflorell » Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:42 pm

As long as your carrier allows it, that should work fine.

I noticed that you aren't touching the caller ID name, and that's a good thing since that's how the system keeps track of the call internally :)
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Re: Remote Agent Transfer Caller ID

Postby rockgeneral » Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:53 pm

As always, thank you for your input.

Have a great weekend!!!
System Info:
ViciBox_v9.x86_64-9.0.2.iso | Version: 2.14b0.5 SVN: 3551 | DB Schema Version: 1650 | Asterisk 13.29.2-vici | Single Server
Posts: 93
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:28 pm

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