No ring back tone and no making progress

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No ring back tone and no making progress

Postby davide.filippi » Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:47 am

Hi all
I have 2 provider, A and B.
since some week, when i make a call through provider A, i can't hear the ring back tone (while with other provider works well).
I notice that if I call through the provider A I can't see in the console the message
"-- SIP/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX-0000003a is making progress passing it to SIP/100-00000039"

How can I solve?
ViciBox.x86_64-4.0.1.iso from dvd | Vicidial VERSION: 2.8-403aBUILD: 130510-1350 | SVN Version: 1983 | Cluster: 4 web+dialer (2 Dell Poweredge 1950 - 1 Dell Poweredge 2950; 1 Dell Poweredge R610); 1 db on Dell Poweredge R710 | no extra hw/sw
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Re: No ring back tone and no making progress

Postby davide.filippi » Sat Sep 30, 2017 7:20 am

I've noticed that in sip debug i cannot found sip message 183 Session Progress only for provider A.
How can I fix this? It is my problem or a provider problem?

Thank you
ViciBox.x86_64-4.0.1.iso from dvd | Vicidial VERSION: 2.8-403aBUILD: 130510-1350 | SVN Version: 1983 | Cluster: 4 web+dialer (2 Dell Poweredge 1950 - 1 Dell Poweredge 2950; 1 Dell Poweredge R610); 1 db on Dell Poweredge R710 | no extra hw/sw
Posts: 85
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:45 am

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