rehash list

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rehash list

Postby adoman22 » Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:21 pm

Hello everyone. I am using vicibox7 standard install. Is there a way to rehash an entire list, where after i dial through the list, i can rehash to call again all data in specific dispos? I know that i can set a timer and retry when a certain dispo is created, but im talking about more after i run the list in its entirety. Right now im forced to do it manually and export the list and sort for dispos and import it again. Kind of a pain.
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Re: rehash list

Postby blackbird2306 » Sat Sep 30, 2017 4:33 pm

You should read the manager manual. First of all you have to select all dial statuses in the campaign settings, which are dialable.
Add A Dial Status to call (for example A,AB):
This is where you set the statuses that you are wanting to dial on within the lists that are active for the campaign below. To add another status to dial, select it from the drop-down list and click ADD. To remove one of the dial statuses, click on the REMOVE link next to the status you want to remove.

Then there are some options to "refresh/reset" the list after calling all the leads down:
Lists --> Show Lists --> choose a list -->
1. manual reset: Reset Lead-Called-Status for this list --> Y --> submit
This resets all leads in this list to N for not called since last reset and means that any lead can now be called if it is the right status as defined in the campaign screen.

2. (RECOMMENDED WAY) automatic reset: Reset Times --> for example: 1100 (11:00 am) or 1100-1200-1300-1400 (every hour)
This field allows you to put times in, separated by a dash-, that this list will be automatically reset by the system. The times must be in 24 hour format with no punctuation, for example 0800-1700 would reset the list at 8AM and 5PM every day. Default is empty.

3. bulk reset all lists, which belong to a campaign: Reports --> Admin Utilities (small link at the bottom) --> Reset Campaign Lists --> choose campaign --> submit
Vicibox 6.0.2 from Vicibox_v.6.0.x86_64-6.0.2.iso | Vicidial 2.12-560a build: 160617-1427 | Asterisk
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