kjburto wrote:admin->Servers showed my external IP address and now shows my internal address
/etc/astguiclient.conf showed my external before and still does now but now the new IP.
If you ran the ip update script properly, admin->servers and astguiclient.conf would show the same IP address. Run it again with all possible "bad" IPs including your new external one and make sure the "new" ip is always your NEW Internal IP. That's the safest possible value moving forward, primarily because even if your external IP ever changes again, there's no need to modify your internal IP. So next time your public IP changes, all you'll need to change is the sip.conf valule for externip. But before worrying about "next time": All of the places that contain your IP must be changed to the same value, preferably the internal IP. This is best done with the ip update script and all possible prior IPs as "old" and the present local IP as "new". And then reboot when you've run all possible.
Note that this script shows you many of the changes it makes. You can check all those locations after and verify that they all have the present local IP, just to be sure, if the system doesn't come back online after the reboot.