Viciphone -Make Life A Lot Easier For Remote Agents?

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Viciphone -Make Life A Lot Easier For Remote Agents?

Postby thephaseusa » Sat Apr 28, 2018 1:15 pm

Version: 2.14b0.5
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ViciBox v.7.0.4| Asterisk 11.25.1-vici |
4 Box Cluster of 1 Database, 1 Asterisk, 1 Web, & 1 Archive Server.
Fundraising Call Center

One of the first things I tried with VICIdial was setting up agents to use it remotely. And I keep coming back to this idea because of the limitless potential it has. Imagine remote agents all over the world logging in to your campaigns! One of the first problems you encounter though is showing the remote agent how to download install and configure a softphone. I just thought about VICIphone again yesterday, and am I correct in thinking viciphone could eliminate this problem? Could you just give the remote agent the login website, a username and password, and that’s it? Could he then log in, choose a campaign and start dialing? If this is true, then I think that would be incredible.

I see asterisk 13 is required. Vicibox is at version 8.0.1 now correct? Are you guys planning on building with asterisk 13 for 8.0.2 or will it have to wait for vicibox 9?

John M
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Re: Viciphone -Make Life A Lot Easier For Remote Agents?

Postby williamconley » Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:13 pm

All these questions are answered in various ways in previous posts on this topic. The gist of it is "yep, pretty much, depends on how it goes".
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Re: Viciphone -Make Life A Lot Easier For Remote Agents?

Postby thephaseusa » Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:54 pm

Let me ask you this William. I’m still using 7.0.4. Are there major benefits to upgrading to 8.0.1?

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Re: Viciphone -Make Life A Lot Easier For Remote Agents?

Postby williamconley » Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:31 pm

1) You wouldn't technically be "upgrading", you'd be "reinstalling". Upgrading is "Vicidial 2.12 build XXXX to Vicidial 2.14 build yyyy" which involves downloading a new version of the Vicidial code, installing that new copy over the old one, and then upgrading the database. But for ViciBOX (not ViciDIAL), you delete the HD, reinstall the OS and everything else (including a new version of Vicidial, of course) and then restore your database and upgrade it to match the newly installed Vicidial code. So there is some "upgrade" involved, but it's really a full reinstall.

2) No. Until they push Viciphone onto a Vicibox install, you have only gained some "cool toys to play with", but not actually gained any features by altering your Vicibox Installer version. The latest version of Vicidial in either installer is still the same "latest" version of Vicidial with the same features.

3) There may be some slight advantages to a later version of the OS, but those will be technical OS-related issues rather than features of Vicidial itself. Such things as security certificate installation. The ability to upgrade to asterisk 13 and "prepare" for viciphone.

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Re: Viciphone -Make Life A Lot Easier For Remote Agents?

Postby thephaseusa » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:07 am

One last thing. I have been looking over the viciphone web site. Requirements are asterisk 13, a fully qualified domain, and valid ssl certs. GitHub has the viciphone zip file up for download. Configuration instructions are there for asterisk and vicidial. So it looks like you can use it now. Is that correct? And for me, the final thing is, if viciphone works now, can you upgrade to asterisk 13 and make it work with the vicibox 7.0.4 installer, or do you need 8.0.1? I think you answered that William, didn’t you. You do need 8.0.1 installed to be able to upgrade to asterisk 13.

Sorry to keep asking this, I just want to know is this a project still in development, or is it production ready?


Last edited by thephaseusa on Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viciphone -Make Life A Lot Easier For Remote Agents?

Postby williamconley » Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:18 am

When asking a question about a project that's not on this site, a link to the project in question is really a good idea. Otherwise, you leave everyone guessing about what you're vaguely talking about.

Just sayin' (Hard to form an opinion about something unspecified on some other site)

That being said: Production on Viciphone is indeed ongoing. But The Vicidial Group won't be publishing it until it's done, documented, and ready. Considering the cost, nobody has any reasonable right to suggest they should do otherwise. They've always come through.
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