Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

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Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:48 am

Hello all,

I am setting up GoAutoDial for a renewal reminder.

I need to understand how i can setup this configuration -

1. GoAutoDial should dial a list of numbers (I know that how its done, by creating list and campaign).

2. I want the software to send a pre-recorded message on numbers (whether its a human pickup or a Answering Machine).

3. I don't want to use live agents if possible is there a way to create a remote agent or something where a human don't need to login and start calling.

VERSION: 2.9-441a
BUILD: 140612-1628

Goautodial 3.3 64 bit i am running.

VPS 4 GB RAM and 60GB SSD 2 Core
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby williamconley » Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:07 pm

Yep. You described it perfectly.

Follow the instructions for configuring a Survey Campaign. Use the "Survey Method" dropdown combined with the "Survey No Response" action to determine what to do with the calls based on whether the prospect presses any buttons or not (don't care if you wanted them to or asked them to, Survey campaigns have to be programmed to respond to them in any situation, and people like to push buttons, lol).

Then you activate the campaign by use of a Remote Agent. The number of lines for the remote agent will determine how many lines the outbound campaign dials.

I will say that I recommend Vicibox (from as the installer for your Vicidial system rather than's .iso. It's more up-to-date and less buggy. But if all you're doing is a reminder survey, you may never notice much of a difference. Just remember that they Both install Vicidial, just that one of them is supported by everyone (including The Vicidial Group) and the other is supported by fewer technicians. (Where I work, we support everything).

Best Advice: Work with the Wiki from Goautodial (or the PD from if you take my suggestion) to get the system installed. Then switch to the Vicidial Manager's Manual (available Free on for configuration. Start at page one of the Manager's Manual. Don't skip anything. Eventually (if you don't skip anything), you'll have everything you need to do what you want to do without spending any money except at a Telco for Minutes.

Happy Hunting! 8-)
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:51 am

Haha Little complicated for beginner level.

I will give it a hit and will get back here if i need any more description.

Just i need to understand if i setup survey campaign doesnt customer need to push like button 1 or 2 or something to actually execute the message.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:22 am

blessnick wrote:Haha Little complicated for beginner level.

That's why I strongly suggest starting at page one of the Manager's Manual and not skipping anything. You're a Beginner. This will allow you to not pay someone to walk you through this process, that's what the Manager's Manual's primary purpose is. Page 1. Don't skip anything. Trust me.
blessnick wrote:Just i need to understand if i setup survey campaign doesnt customer need to push like button 1 or 2 or something to actually execute the message.

The method of a Survey Campaign is two-fold:
First it plays the initial recorded message (your goal has just been accomplished!). Then the person being called can either press a button or not. At this point, the system has branched and must make a decision what to do about that button that was pressed or what to do if one was not pressed at all.

At that point, your message has already been delivered,however, so you'd probably want all paths to point to voicemail (if that's your goal).

If you set the system up to detect Answering Machines, that portion of the call happens before any of these functions, and the Campaign's AMD settings will determine whether to leave a message on the VM or not. Just remember that a Survey Campaign can then play a message to the humans that answer whereas a normal campaign will then expect an Agent to be available.

There are some tricks you can play to fake a live agent but transfer the call to (for instance) a call menu instead of an agent if there's a human, but really the best method for this is Survey where all the controls are designed specifically for this purpose.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:02 pm


so after long i finally setup this -

Add campaign -> Survey -> Voice Broadcast -> According to my understand and requirement this should actually call the leads and drop the recorded message for Actual receiver and in the case of AMD as well.

Now the calls are being generated but the Audio file is not playing and the calls are getting dropped in 3-5 seconds.

Please can anyone help me debug the same and help me find the issue as i am unable to locate the issue.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby williamconley » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:11 pm

Start with a new campaign, default. Verify that it works with live agents before you switch to Survey or AMD.

Next, switch to AMD and verify that it still works.

Next, switch to Survey and verify that it still works. Note that the ONLY change before you test is the campaign routing extension. Nothing else. To reiterate: Do not change any of the survey settings. Verify it still works before continuing.

Now: Change ONE Survey setting at a time and test after every change.

If you break it in any way, revert and verify that your change broke it. Should be easy to revert: You've only changed ONE thing, right?

Then either make the change correctly, or if you can't figure out the correct method of making that single change, bring it here and we'll help you out. If you change more than one thing at a time, you may never get to a functioning survey campaign. If, however, you change only one thing at a time it will go very slowly, but you'll get there (without spending any tech support money).
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:52 pm

Thanks for your quick reply,

just got some help from here -


It was really helpful, i missed the routing extension and now its working smooth.

Next thing i want to explore is that how to run a inbound campaign from this survey, like after the message is deliver i want user to press 1 and proceed with the discussion with the agent. How can this be further established?
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby williamconley » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:05 pm

That's not an inbound campaign. Passing the call to an agent if the prospect presses one is a standard function of the Survey Campaign. Read the manual.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:21 pm

do you mean 100$ manual version or the free one?

also, can u please instruct me or refer me to a profer reference URL where i can learn the technique. Thanks!
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby williamconley » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:31 pm

Either one. Both cover how to configure a Survey Campaign. This is a very old feature. Well documented and tested, but a bit complex to configure and (oddly enough) has one completely counterintuitive setting option: Survey No-Response Action. If you read the description, it turns out that the name of the field is the opposite of what it really means.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Thu May 31, 2018 11:13 am

I have got stuck into some issue, The calls are being generated - Hopper is working normal, leads are following as per it need, routing extension and all is good, audio store and all is good, but still even its showing that 1 or 5 calls ringing the calls are not touching the device ? not even voicemails.

please help how to trace and fix it.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby williamconley » Thu May 31, 2018 12:33 pm

look at your asterisk CLI and see if the calls are really being generated. post a failed call if they are.

Also: You should post your Vicidial Version with Build and your installation method with version. In case your install is bad. Plus: The manager's manual is used to get the dialer "operational", which is a pre-requisite to using survey campaigns. Start at page one in the Vicidial Manager's Manual (available in both free and paid versions on and don't skip anything. Seriously. Every page. Every exercise. And you'll have a functional system when you get done without paying anyone any money. Handy.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Thu May 31, 2018 12:52 pm

I am using everything as mentioned in starting of the thread. There is no change in anything.

Also, yes the calls are being generated but still no call is getting landed on the device.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby williamconley » Thu May 31, 2018 3:39 pm

blessnick wrote:Also, yes the calls are being generated but still no call is getting landed on the device.

define "the device"? Agent phone? prospect phone?

i don't recommend using vague references and/or pronouns

The asterisk CLI may give you a clue as to what's going on.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:19 pm

Hi, I am using survey broadcast campaign.

The leads are uploaded and executing properly.

Sometimes the calls are landing on leads and delivers recording (the audio file) but mostly the calls get dropped in 2-3 seconds or 10-11 seconds with a Thank you, bye or a Good Bye message only.

As asked in last comment - The device/phone refers to leads/numbers (users phone) where the call will land from the campaign broadcasted.

can somebody help me? and yes i can provide CLI logs what logs needed and with which command i will get it just let me know that.

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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Mon Apr 01, 2019 12:18 am

Can anyone help me with this?
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby mflorell » Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:08 am

Campaign Dial level should be '1', and dial method should be RATIO for broadcast/survey campaigns.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:55 am

mflorell wrote:Campaign Dial level should be '1', and dial method should be RATIO for broadcast/survey campaigns.

Ok i will just try that settings and will get back to you. Thanks
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:49 am

mflorell wrote:Campaign Dial level should be '1', and dial method should be RATIO for broadcast/survey campaigns.

Hi, so i checked my settings and found that my settings are as -

Dial Method - RATIO
Auto Dial Method - 1.0
Maximum Adapt Dial Level - 3.0
Auto Dial Level Threshold - DISABLED

But still the results are same.
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby mflorell » Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:38 pm

Can you supply the screenlog.0 output of one of the calls that says "Goodbye"?
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby blessnick » Wed Apr 03, 2019 6:58 am

Can you tell me how to get the screenshot and of which screen?
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Re: Send automated answer to AMD and any Number

Postby mflorell » Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:03 am

There is a file called "screenlog.0" on your dialer. I am asking for the text from that file related to a call that says "goodbye". You should go to Admin -> Servers -> your server, and set the AGI Output to BOTH before you dial for the day so that there will be debug data in that file to gather.
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