Remote Agent

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Remote Agent

Postby bestmanbolivar » Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:41 am

Hello everyone

I have a problem, when activating the remote agents for the brodcast campaign, I do not accept it and I get the message "your number of lines overlaps with another remote agent" and the same happens when wanting to increase the lines of the agents, like cue story with 6 campaigns of the same type and for this I have 6 remote agents, each with 10 lines. I have created the users with the same ID, but I do not know what I have wrong or I am not understanding how it works.

Thanks for the support

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Re: Remote Agent

Postby bestmanbolivar » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:08 pm

Updating the topic, I see that when I only have 1 remote agent, I can upload the lines without limits, add a second remote agent and I can only put 10 lines. When adding a third remote agent, it does not let me create it if it is greater than 1 line. and if I believe it 1 line, start to behave with the same error as before "your number of lines overlaps with another remote agent" then at this moment I am limited to only having 2 campaigns, the first with unlimited lines and the other only with 10 lines. I will have something wrong or because it behaves in this way.

Thanks for any comments or support
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Re: Remote Agent

Postby williamconley » Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:20 pm

The USER in your remote agent is incremented when you have multiple lines. EG: If you have user 2000 and 50 lines, you are actually activating users 2000-2049. Even if those users have not been created under "Users", they will be autogenerated while running. If, however, you already have a user 2048 in the Remote Agent system: "Overlap". Avoid the overlap.

On a lighter note: If you create all of those users, you can view their activity in real time (all of them). If you do not, the only user whose activity will be viewed is the first user (who actually exists, in theory). Of course, you don't know the true identify of any of these users, and succesive calls to the same vicidial user in NO way relate to the user at the remote system, but at least you have some sort of stats and can see live calls and their lengths. Moderately handy.

Also, if you get into the habit of creating all the users for all the lines ... you'll immediately see any overlap and just plain avoid it. 8-)
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Re: Remote Agent

Postby bestmanbolivar » Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:30 pm

Hello William

Thank you very much for the prompt response, in effect as you commented had created users but when I assigned the line I had no idea that separated users in order, so with the answer you gave me make the change and it worked correctly.

Best regards
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri May 25, 2018 4:11 pm

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