I have this weird requirement wherein they want to search the recording based on the uniqueid given by the ingroup.
Does anyone have tried this? any chance where you guys might show me where can I get that?
Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
recording_lookup - looks up recordings based upon user and date or lead_id
NOTE: api user for this function must have user_level set to 7 or higher and "view reports" enabled
agent_user - 2-20 characters
lead_id - 1-10 digits
date - date of the calls to pull (must be in YYYY-MM-DD format)
uniqueid - uniqueid of the call, works best included with another search field
stage - the format of the exported data: csv, tab, pipe(default)
header - include a header(YES) or not(NO). This is optional, default is not to include a header
There is a hard limit of 100000 results
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