There is already a Dispo Call URL script (dispo_move_list.php) that can move a lead based on it's called count
# dispo_move_list.php
# This script is designed to be used in the "Dispo URL" field of a campaign
# or in-group (although it can also be used in the "No Agent Call URL" field).
# It should take in the lead_id to check for the same lead_id
# in order to change it's list_id to whatever new_list_id is set to. The
# sale_status field is a list of statuses separated by three dashes each '---'
# which contain the statuses for which the process should be run.
# This script is part of the API group and any modifications of data are
# logged to the vicidial_api_log table.
# This script limits the number of altered leads to 1 per instance and it will
# not run if the search field of the lead is empty.
# Example of what to put in the Dispo URL field:
VARhttp:// ... _to_file=1#
# Another example of what to put in the Dispo URL field(using status exclude with talk trigger):
VARhttp:// ... _to_file=1#
# Another example of what to put in the Dispo URL field(using status exclude with lead age and called count triggers):
VARhttp:// ... _to_file=1#
# Example of what to put in the No Agent Call URL field:
# (IMPORTANT: user needs to be NOAGENTURL and pass needs to be set to the call_id)
VARhttp:// ... rigger=101#
# Definable Fields: (other fields should be left as they are)
# - log_to_file - (0,1) if set to 1, will create a log file in the agc directory
# - sale_status - (SALE---XSALE) a triple-dash "---" delimited list of the statuses that are to be moved
# - exclude_status - (Y,N) if set to Y, will trigger for all statuses EXCEPT for those listed in sale_status, default is N
# - talk_time_trigger - (0,1,2,3,...) if set to number greater than 0, will only trigger for talk_time at or above set number, default is 0
# - called_count_trigger - (1,2,3,...) if set to number greater than 0, will only trigger for called_count at or above set number, default is 0
# - list_id_trigger - (101,...) if set to number greater than 99, will only trigger for list_id equal to the set number(NOTE: list_id must be sent), default is disabled
# - list_id - (101,...) if you want to use list_id_trigger then this must be set: "list_id=--A--list_id--B--", default is disabled
# - lead_age - (1,2,3,...) if set to number greater than 0, will only trigger for a lead entry_date this number of days old or older, default is 0
# - new_list_id - (999,etc...) the list_id that you want the matching status leads to be moved to
# - reset_dialed - (Y,N) if set to Y, will reset the called_since_last_reset flag on the lead
# - populate_sp_old_list - (Y,N) if set to Y, will populate the security_phrase field of the lead with the old list_id
# - populate_comm_old_date - (Y,N) if set to Y, will populate the comments field of the lead with the date and time when the lead was last called
# Multiple sets of statuses:
# - sale_status_1, new_list_id_1, reset_dialed_1, exclude_status_1, called_count_trigger_1 - adding an underscore and number(1-99) will allow for another set of statuses to check for and what to do with them
# - multi_trigger - (talk-age...) if set to 1 or more of "talk,age,list,count,status"(separated by '-') it will check for only one of included triggers to be met for the lead to be moved, (does not work with multiple sets)