Integrated Firewall - /usr/local/bin/
- Run it with --debug to see it's flags and what-not
- the ACL is persistent across a cluster as it's stored in the DataBase
- By default only the black list is enabled
- You will need to enable IP Lists in ViciDial to edit the built in black/white list
- The white list is in an IP List in ViciDial called 'ViciWhite'
- You'll need to do a 'touch /etc/sysconfig/scripts/SuSEfirewall2-viciwhite' to enable loading the whitelisting rules
- The black list is in an IP List in ViciDial called 'ViciBlack'
- The white/black lists support CIDR notation as well as single IPs
- White/Dynamic lists are mutually exclusive from Black/VoIPBL/Geoblock, so one or the other
- /etc/sysconfig/scripts/SuSEfirewall2-custom can be modified to control IP ACL blocking I.E. block everything instead of just IAX/SIP/RTC, etc
- Uses IPSet rules which is dynamic and many orders of magnitude faster then individual iptables entries
- The White/Dynamic/Black IP ACL is persistent across a cluster, so all servers have the same IPs listed
- RFC1918 IP address' are added by default when whitelisting is enabled
- The Dynamic function searches for valid user LOGINs from vicidial_user_log for the last 14 days, and allows those IPs to get to SIP/IAX/RTC
- You'll need to do a 'touch /etc/sysconfig/scripts/SuSEfirewall2-vicidynamic' to enable loading the dynamiclist rules
- Firewall only applies to the 'External' zone, Internal zone is still unprotected
- Geoblock is just a call to /usr/local/bin/ipset-geoblock and works without internet connectivity
- VoIPBL black list is just a call to /usr/local/bin/ipset-voipbl but requires internet connectivity
- You'll want to change the crontab entry to run every minute for White/Dynamic/Black lists, I.E. * * * * * /usr/local/bin/
- You only need to run the voipbl list every few hours, so create new crontab entries for the other stuff
- The white/black IP lists don't care if it's active in ViciDial, so it's recommended to leave them inactive to keep them from conflicting with other things in ViciDial
There's lots going on here with the Firewall, and modifying IPtables and firewall scripts has a high potential to block the network from the server. If you aren't super comfortable with that I would suggest you play with it on non-production servers or wait until I can make a more detailed manual for it.
I did a 'touch /etc/sysconfig/scripts/SuSEfirewall2-viciwhite'
And then did /usr/local/bin/ --debug
The whitelist in the manager interface has one entry and is set to inactive.
The debug output says:
/usr/local/bin/ --debug
ViciBox firewall white/dynamic/blacklist integration
----- DEBUG Enabled -----
ViciBox firewall integration
Database Host : localhost
Database Name : asterisk
Database User : cron
Database Pass : 1234
Database Port : 3306
White list : Disabled
Dynamic list : Disabled
Black list : Enabled
Vici Black List : viciblack
IPSet Black IPs : badips
IPSet Black Nets : badnets
VoIP Black List : Disabled
Geo Block list : Disabled
Generating Black List from IP List 'viciblack'...
Found 0 IPs to process
Writing IPSet rule files to /tmp//VB-BLACK-tmp and /tmp//VB-BLACKNET-tmp
Loading Black list IPSet rules into Kernel
Black List had been loaded!
Did i miss something?
Also, can i still use yast firewall or will that break stuff in combination with this new firewall?