Vicidial Database and Freenas RAID

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Vicidial Database and Freenas RAID

Postby Leckbush » Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:30 am

Hi, I just install a NAS(Freenas) on our network for our files etc. I wonder if Vicidial storage(SQL Database, etc) can be in Freenas and configure it in a RAID? Is that possible? So in theory If my vicidial now which have 2 hdd running, I will reinstall vicidial with additional drives(let say 7 drives) 1 drive is for OS/ViciSystem and 6 drive is for the SQL Database etc. which is running on RAID Configuration, let say its RAIDZ2 with 1 drive as spare, total of 6. Is that possible to prevent any sql db corruption or something?

Vicibox v.7.0.3-160505 | Single Machine | Vicidial VERSION: 2.12-557a BUILD: 160517-1927 | Asterisk 11.22.0-vici
Server 1: ViciBox v.8.1.2 181002 | Single Machine | VERSION: 2.14-580c BUILD: 190406-1615| Asterisk 13.21.1-vici
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Re: Vicidial Database and Freenas RAID

Postby Kumba » Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:42 am

That won't prevent MySQL corruption. It will only prevent data loss from drive failure. You are better off doing a RAID-10, or mirrored vDevs in FreeNAS. Parity RAID setups (RAID5, RAID6, RAIDZ) are not ideal for a database. The write speed suffers greatly and they are not known for their IOP speed. The other counter-intuitive thing is that the more disks you have the better your chances of a cascading failure which is where drives start to fail as you are rebuilding the array.

I'd recommend you have dedicated database hardware with RAID1 or RAID10 on SSDs. Further more, I'd recommend just sticking with ViciBox. The database isn't really something you want to experiment consolidating with some other random server role. If we assume that the call center is an important business making segment of the company then it might be best to look at other things to consolidate besides the one server that can take the whole call center down if it messes up or runs slow.
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Re: Vicidial Database and Freenas RAID

Postby Leckbush » Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:51 am

Okay thanks kumba. I acknowledge that and fully noted on that. Im gonna do what you said. :)
Server 1: ViciBox v.8.1.2 181002 | Single Machine | VERSION: 2.14-580c BUILD: 190406-1615| Asterisk 13.21.1-vici
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Re: Vicidial Database and Freenas RAID

Postby williamconley » Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:09 am

NAS is great for redundancy (storage of backups and logs) especially with raid (additional redundancy through multiple drives).

But to prevent corruption, you have two tools:
* Never allow a power interruption: Uninteruptible Power Supply (UPS). And some servers have redundant power supplies (ie: Two power supplies per server). If you have two power supplies, be sure they are not routed to the same breaker or UPS!!
* Reasonable Record Counts (especially in log tables). If you have multiple millions of records in log tables, look at the table archiving perl script that comes with Vicidial. It will allow you to push older log records to an archive table. Later versions of Vicidial allow accessing archived log tables by selecting a checkbox on the reports. The larger those tables get the more likely it is that corruption will occur even on an otherwise perfectly operating Vicidial server.
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