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Postby garfunct » Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:28 pm

I have 1 server up and running with basic install

But now am trying to get multiple servers without using digium cards

I am a little confused with app_confernce

I have followed the instructions ie vicidial version of app_conference

compiled, installed

replaced Meetme with Conference in extensions.conf as per instructions


In your extensions.conf file you would replace these lines:
exten => 8600051,1,Meetme,8600051
exten => 8600052,1,Meetme,8600052
exten => 78600051,1,Meetme,8600051|q
exten => 78600052,1,Meetme,8600052|q
exten => 68600051,1,Meetme,8600051|mq
exten => 68600052,1,Meetme,8600052|mq

with these lines:
exten => 8600051,1,Conference(8600051)
exten => 8600052,1,Conference(8600052)
exten => 78600051,1,Conference(8600051|q)
exten => 78600052,1,Conference(8600052|q)
exten => 68600051,1,Conference(8600051|Lq)
exten => 68600052,1,Conference(8600052|Lq)

how about these lines?

######------ START extensions.conf changes for VD conf ------######
exten => _X48600XXX,1,MeetMeAdmin(${EXTEN:2},T,${EXTEN:0:1})
exten => _X48600XXX,2,Hangup

exten => _X38600XXX,1,MeetMeAdmin(${EXTEN:2},t,${EXTEN:0:1})
exten => _X38600XXX,2,Hangup

exten => 8300,1,Hangup

and these

; quiet entry and leaving conferences for VICIDIAL
exten => _78600XXX,1,Meetme,${EXTEN:1}|q
; quiet monitor extensions for meetme rooms (for room managers)
exten => _68600XXX,1,Meetme,${EXTEN:1}|mq

are there any other changes needed?

or recompile asterisk for example?

Thnx in advance for any help
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:55 am

Postby Op3r » Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:26 pm

Use meetme, it will save you a lot of headaches than using app_conference.
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Postby garfunct » Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:54 am

Seems meetme is only way :cry:

Thats too bad

I know of someone using app_conference and says it is a real improvement however does not want to give away his secrets.

Meetme it is..
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:55 am

Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:44 pm

app_conference is not stable for VICIDIAL use at higher volumes. There are unsolved double-free crash bugs when you get to higher loads.
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