Moderators: enjay, williamconley, Staydog, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba
williamconley wrote:1) Missing: Vicidial version with build. Good job posting your Vicibox installer version, and even your SVN revision level. But the Vicidial Version with Build is a requirement.
2) Stop using zypper up if you have no specific need. If you have your server whitelist locked down (which you should!), then your only security risk is people you've specifically allowed into your system. If one of them is a hacker, honestly, zypper up is not going to stop them. Even daily. Zypper up does not affect Vicidial operation at all, it's just for the OS anyway.
... installing a newer server, we upgrade the server via zypper ...
williamconley wrote:... installing a newer server, we upgrade the server via zypper ...
If your system fails during a fresh install, try again without zypper up. If the install does not fail, then stop using zypper up during your fresh installs (until the situation clears).
When the .iso image is built, Kumba has tested with all the versions of all the software installed by the .iso. But OpenSuSE is a live operating system. Changes happen daily. Some of those changes collide with the Vicidial core systems and have to be fixed. Until they are fixed, Zypper may break the system.
It's my understanding that this is the reason Vicibox is on OpenSuSE rather than Ubuntu. Ubuntu was MUCH worse in this regard. Zypper *usually* works fine. But ...
Kumba wrote:What is the asterisk version that 'works'?
williamconley wrote:Stop using zypper up if you have no specific need. If you have your server whitelist locked down (which you should!), then your only security risk is people you've specifically allowed into your system. If one of them is a hacker, honestly, zypper up is not going to stop them. Even daily. Zypper up does not affect Vicidial operation at all, it's just for the OS anyway.
thephaseusa wrote:Latest security updates for porn surfers)))) good one Bill))
[/quote]rameez.amjad4 wrote:8.0.1 works better than this one 8.1.2 for amd please update if yes we will move back to 8.0.1?
For us, 11.25.3 is working fine or a early asterisk 13 on the 8.1.2 release ones. Not aware of the exact version. will have to dig deep on this.
We monitored most of the servers with updated asterisk 13, most of them installed last week, we witnessed that those servers has higher ACD's and lower SDP/SDC so the voip charges are more too. To rectify the issue, we updated the OS, which included some asterisk 13 updates as well. The server's completely stopped the AMD, like running 8368. we have left those higher ALOC servers as is as they might break too.
We can confirm this happened to two of our server's hence we moved those server's back to 8.0.1 which was super stable.
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