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Postby bobbymc » Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:14 pm

I got the latest version of vicidial installed and everything works perfectly.. The only issue i seem to have is that when i use the survey script and set a remote agent with 15 lines and make the dialer type to ratio and dial level to 4 i push about 60 simultaneously calls which go through but when a person picks up few things happen

1. the voice file does not play right away sometimes it takes up to 5 seconds

2. whenever 1 is pressed it says that the call is being transferred to a poll taker and after that voice file is played it hangs up on me..

This issue does not happen when i push like 15 calls at once..

Anyone got any suggestions or can point me out why this problem happens?
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Postby bobbymc » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:11 pm

sorry i forgot to mention im using the latest version of vicidial and asterisk 1.2.18 with ztdummy
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Postby mflorell » Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:19 am

What kind of outbound lines are you using?

what is the loadavg at 15 lines? at 60 lines?
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Postby bobbymc » Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:22 pm

Im using sip as the outbound lines with 500 channels..

the load avg is low ether way.. the box has 8x 2 ghz cpu its 4 cpus each of them are dual core 2ghz with 16 gigs of ram on raid 5 sata II drives..

Another issue i found is that when i push a high volume the dtmf is not recognized anymore, i keep pressing 1 and the message continues playing.. when i do ratio 1 and tunr off remote agents and keep me as the only agent the dtmf works fine and the call gets transfered..
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