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> some time its happens that the two agents login with different username got the same call at a time . it could be the reason that the same conference id or the session id generated for both but i checked that too a different session id was given to both of the agents and both of them are in same call.
> The second problem is with list loading as whenever i load the list 5-10% of the lists are unsucessfull e.g if total leads in a list are 1000 then on the list ----> Add new leads screen it will show that 999 leads are successfull and bad = 1 but when i add a list the total leads i got in that list are between 800-850 . and this difference increases when there are more leads in a list.
Vendor Lead Code Source Code List ID Phone Code Phone Number Title First Name Middle Initial Last Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 City State - limited to 2 characters Province Postal Code Country Gender Date of Birth Alternate Phone Number Email Address Security Phrase Comments
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