Invalid Extension

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Invalid Extension

Postby hansg » Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:12 pm

Hi All,

I have set up a new server and I am able to place calls using auto dial. Works Great!

However, When I try to Manual Dial, Dialing specific numbers fails.

I am in UK so landlines start with a 1 and mobiles start with a 7
Landline numbers work fine but mobile numbers fail.
Dial code = 44

My Dial Plan
Code: Select all
exten => _9XXXXXXXXXX.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _9XXXXXXXXXX.,2,Dial(${TRUNK}/1234${EXTEN:1},,To)
exten => _9XXXXXXXXXX.,3,Hangup

Code: Select all
[Feb  6 21:03:17]   == Starting Local/8600051@default-00000003;1 at default,97123456789,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
[Feb  6 21:03:17]   == Starting Local/8600051@default-00000003;1 at default,s,1 still failed so falling back to context 'default'
[Feb  6 21:03:17]     -- Sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default' on Local/8600051@default-00000003;1
[Feb  6 21:03:17]     -- Executing [i@default:1] Playback("Local/8600051@default-00000003;1", "invalid") in new stack
[Feb  6 21:03:17]     -- <Local/8600051@default-00000003;1> Playing 'invalid.gsm' (language 'en')

Anyone got any tips on why it is failing when the numbers starts with a 7 but works when it starts with a 1?
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Re: Invalid Extension

Postby mubeen » Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:44 pm

In campaign, did you set 'Dial Prefix' and 'Manual Dial Prefix'? Also check the number format, if auto dial works, make sure you are using same format as auto dial
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Re: Invalid Extension

Postby hansg » Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:32 pm

Manual Dial prefix is not set within the Campaign settings so it is the same as autodial.
The format is the exact same. The only difference I can see is that the failing numbers all start with a 7. numbers starting 1 or 2 work fine.
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Re: Invalid Extension

Postby ambiorixg12 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:59 pm

Your dial plan is _9XXXXXXXXXX. and you dialed 97123456789 so if you want to match this number you must remove the dot ., I assumed that the numbers that works are longer than this one you dialed
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Re: Invalid Extension

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:29 am

ambiorixg12 wrote:Your dial plan is _9XXXXXXXXXX. and you dialed 97123456789 so if you want to match this number you must remove the dot ., I assumed that the numbers that works are longer than this one you dialed

Better to remove one of the X's thus allowing any length starting with one less digit.

hansg wrote:I am in UK so landlines start with a 1 and mobiles start with a 7
Landline numbers work fine but mobile numbers fail.
Dial code = 44

But: If the dial code was 44, I would expect to have seen "9447123456789", but there was no "44". So you've likely "omitted" the dial code. then there's the "/1234$" in your "Dial(" line which indicates special requirements for the carrier in question.

Plus, 44 is not a dial code, it's a country code. Dial code should be "0" (UK) or "1" (US and everywhere civilized) if you are using a UK telco. If you are using a non-uk telco, and the country code is required, that's a different story.

But ambiorixg12 is right that the length of the number is likely what's screwing this up. You're likely altering some things for posting that alter our view of what's really happening as well, but none of that changes ambiorixg12's analysis.
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Re: Invalid Extension

Postby hansg » Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:26 am

Okay so I have removed an X from my Dialplan. It shouldn't have made a difference because it is the same length as the landline numbers that were working fine.

It is still not working but it is at least passing through the dialplan now.

Whenever I manual dial a landline (1XXXXXXXXX) number the call is placed and 44 is added to the start of the number making it 441XXXXXXXXX which is what it is supposed to do.
Code: Select all
Called SIP/Carrier/1234441XXXXXXXXX

Whenever I manual dial a mobile (7XXXXXXXXX) number the call is placed but the 44 is not added to the start. I don't understand why it is not adding the 44.
Code: Select all
Called SIP/Carrier/12347XXXXXXXXX

Note: 1234 is my carrier provided prefix. This is not the issue. i have loads of servers running perfectly using these details.


I have just tried adding 44 to the number that I enter in the Manual Dial input box...
When I do that, bizarrely the system adds on the 44 twice making it:
Code: Select all
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Re: Invalid Extension

Postby hansg » Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:00 am

I have figured it out!

I unchecked the "Search Existing Leads" box and it worked.

From this I arrived at the conclusion that it was the Existing lead in the system that was causing the problem.
The mobile number that I was calling had previously been manually added as a lead in the System. When it was added the phone code was not entered. The system must have been using that information in the Lead info instead of the Dial Code on the manual dial screen.

Thanks for your help and I hope that this might help someone else in future.
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Re: Invalid Extension

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 07, 2019 4:32 pm

Good postback.

We have a lot of clients who dial internationally that use "_9XXXXX." and "_8XXXXX." to be sure to catch all possible lengths. Just be sure it's MORE than 7 digits to avoid collisions with internal vicidial extensions and you're all good.

We also usually add an "s" extension that "catches and kills" so that bad extensions are shown in the ClI without the need for debug mode. Makes it painfully obvious that the number you tried to dial does not match (since we put a NoOp in the s extension clearly stating "Number did not match a dial pattern", lol).

It is possible to add "fixer" extensions to resolve common problems. For instance:
* 1NXXNXXXXXX with ${EXTEN} -- sends the 1+10 digit us number to carrier (the 1 is required for domestic long distance 10 digit dialing in the US, VOIP considers all numbers long distance)
* 91NXXNXXXXXX with {EXTEN:1} -- strips the leading 9, sends the 1+10 digit us number to carrier
* 9NXXNXXXXXX with 1${EXTEN:1} -- strips the leading 9, ADDS the 1, and keeps the 10 digit us number
* NXXNXXXXXX with 1${EXTEN} -- ADDS the 1, and keeps the 10 digit us number

All these then send through the same carrier and result in the same 1+10 digit number to the carrier. After fixing because Agents can be ... challenging. 8-)
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