Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

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Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby edooze » Sun May 17, 2015 7:57 am

Hi all,

Let me start by saying what an amazing piece of software this is. Infinite kudos to the dev team, I'm continually astounded by what it is able to do (and how good I end up looking to stakeholders as a result). Thank you all concerned.

Now, onto the question: earlier today, I was forced to rebuild my VICIdial infrastructure due to an initial installation error. Live and learn!

My question is this: I would like to export all the custom fields from the old server and import into the new server. How do I do this, please? I have seen a couple of posts that alluded to moving them somehow in MySQL with a custom table. Unfortunately, while I'm lead to believe there is a way to do it, none of the threads I have seen have gone so far as to explain how. The fields took me hours to put together, so I'd really rather not have to build them all again.

My build details:
Vicibox 6 from .iso
VERSION: 2.12-485a BUILD: 150512-2225
Single Server with additional dialer
No Digium/Sangoma Hardware
No Extra Software After Installation
All phones & carriers are SIP-based.
Currently only 2 agents live, but this re-build is in order to double that number.

Thanks in advance.

(post reference: ... =4&t=33514 - no information that I am able to follow contained within.)
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
1 x Multi-server & 1 x Dialer/Web from ISO
Virtualised (KVM) - 4 CPU/4GB RAM (Multi) - 2CPU/4GB RAM (dialer/web)
Both SIP & IAX used
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:46 am

Re: Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby edooze » Fri May 22, 2015 10:57 pm

Well, I gave up on this. My attempts to get this done ended up breaking the server altogether (which I suspected they might) so I've just built them again. Tomorrow is set aside to re-create the custom fields and campaigns etc from scratch. Not a bad idea to clean everything up, anyway.
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
1 x Multi-server & 1 x Dialer/Web from ISO
Virtualised (KVM) - 4 CPU/4GB RAM (Multi) - 2CPU/4GB RAM (dialer/web)
Both SIP & IAX used
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:46 am

Re: Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby Vince-0 » Sun May 24, 2015 8:36 am

Did you not want to just dump and copy your asterisk database from the old server to the new?
You could then just delete the info from the front-end that wasn't required on the new server.

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Re: Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby williamconley » Sun May 24, 2015 7:54 pm

Interesting: Same answer as my previous post, so here's a link:

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Re: Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby Vince-0 » Mon May 25, 2015 3:28 am

Oh! The double posting.

williamconley wrote:Interesting: Same answer as my previous post, so here's a link:

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Re: Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby paolo » Thu May 28, 2015 1:03 pm


I would also suggest the same thing, why not move the whole database from the old server to the new. - Cool Vici Customizations - Hosted - Configured - Supported
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Re: Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby edooze » Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:57 pm

Okay, so even though this post is 4 or 5 years old, it's mine and I'm doing it again so I wanted to update it.
Refer sig for current build (build from SVN this time, ver 3088 currently)

I didn't want to import the whole database (then or now) because I am trying to get 'round a configuration issue. I am concerned that some of the old settings are incorrect, and as with a computer I think it's healthy to rebuild things every so often. Currently I am running the original (that this post refers to) the current, and the new servers alongside each other in parallel. The original servers don't get used, but they are there in case we need anything from them.

So, if I use a database backup I have from last week, is there a way to just import the custom leads, lists and fields - without the users and server config and so on?
Maybe it's easy enough (says the man with no knowledge whatsoever) to select the tables that are relevant and cut the rest out of the backup file?

Your thoughts appreciated.
Vicibox 10 from iso
VERSION: 2.14-857a from SVN
BUILD: 220510-1617
SVN: 3601
Schema: 1660
Asterisk 13.38.2-vici
1 x Multi-server & 1 x Dialer/Web from ISO
Virtualised (KVM) - 4 CPU/4GB RAM (Multi) - 2CPU/4GB RAM (dialer/web)
Both SIP & IAX used
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:46 am

Re: Moving custom fields between two Vicidial servers.

Postby williamconley » Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:46 am

restore the backup into a fake/temp database.

mysqldump JUST the vicidial_list table and the custom_* tables and the table that contains the custom field definitions (whose name escapes me at the moment).

note that you'll probably want to back up those tables in the new system before you begin on the off chance this turns out to have a flaw in it.

it is possible to mysqldump without including the "drop/create" sequences if you need to merge. will work fine as long as the lead_id's and list_id's don't overlap.

* Verify table structure is identical before you begin or you will need to DEFINITELY avoid the drop/create
* Don't forget log tables if you may need them.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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