asterisk + Vicidial configuration

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asterisk + Vicidial configuration

Postby imrohitsharma » Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:59 pm

My requirement is as follows:
1. I want to create a setup for outbound call center of 12 seats.
2. I have a Pentium 4 machine with 512 Ram & 40 GB Harddisk.
3. I have real IP registered with the voice minute provider.
4. I don’t want to use any zaptel hardware for this.
5. I want to configure a full functional call center solution with the help of Asterisk & Vicidial. What deviation I made in the configuration described in Scratch Install manual for Vicidial.
6. Can u help me in understanding the configuration available in scratch install manual.
7. I want to implement agent features like call transfer, parking, conference, call queue, hold, mute, music on hold,
8. What type of recording interface do I have in Asterisk + Vicidial solution? How do I access call recording for a particular number called.
9. What all reporting do I get in this solution and how do I make change if I need some customized reports.
10. What parameters do I set in AMD detection patch so that I reduce the no of answering machines thrown to the agents?
11. Is there any CRM available for this solution?
12. How the call flow is takes place in Asterisk + vicidial solution.
13. How do AGI scripts works (control the dialplan options) & how to customized them?
14. How to debug the solution for problems in calling.

I must be very thankful to you if you help me in understanding all the above mention requirement as well as the dial plan configuration.
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Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:02 am

Postby rajeevpn » Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:07 am

Absolutely no 'deviation' from scratch_install. Almost verbatim - except of course IP addresses and you should be fine. Just make sure you choose either the ztdummy option or the app_conference option as you will not use any zaptel hardware.

in fact I think the latest SVN trunk has even further details: look at REQUIRED_APPS_INSTALL.txt in the docs folder!
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Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:42 am

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