vicidial back end

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vicidial back end

Postby prolixus » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:55 pm

Can anyone explain what the unique_id and the channel is for? and also the relationships of the table?

i wanted to insert rows under call-log and vicidial_log tables but it seems like, i am having trouble with those two fields.

What tables and procedures involved for me to identify that a number is in the DNC? i found out that if the number is not tagged as dnc it wont pop-up a message saying that another number is dnc even if it is, as a result, it will pass to our provider and i will be charged.

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Postby mflorell » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:39 am

uniqueid and channel are assigned by Asterisk at call time.

As for DNC, it is not a dialing filter in the dialplan. It is only a VICIDIAL outbound hopper filter for calls that are placed by VICIDIAL itself. There is no method for a dialplan filter to filter out manually dialed calls built in to the VICIDIAL suite.
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Postby prolixus » Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:54 pm

my problem basically is for how can i manage numbers in dnc via backend for our agents to see a pop-up message saying that a number in in the dnc scrubbing it against the table vicidial_dnc?

ive noticed that numbers that we wanted to see and have pop-up message are only those that were and should only be tagged manually, is there a way that i could manage that number to pop up via backend? what tables should i update and manage?

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Postby mflorell » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:33 pm

Could you describe how these calls are being placed exactly?
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dnc validation

Postby prolixus » Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:00 pm

first we have two options to leads or numbers:

option 1: system uploaded numbers
these numbers are provided by the company for the agents to
call or dial next numbers using manual mode of dialing.

option 2: agent generated number
is also a form of manual dial which our call center requires so
they enter numbers and dial regardless whethere its dnc or not.

I was able to upload the california state do not call (DNC) list which should be blocked by the system (in any case that an agent would be able to dial a number inside that table). from what ive noticed, here is the flow of the vicidial system, from vicidial_list in which leads and numbers are placed, it will passed by the vicidial_hopper for them to be able to dial the numbers, after that when the call needs to be tagged as DNC, the agent will tag it as dnc, from there, that number will be recognized by the system as a dnc number which is blocked already, take note, that number before it was called was clean, meaning it can be dialed, but since it was tagged as dnc, it is now blocked.

Another instance, i have 16M++ dnc numbers, i wanted all those numbers to be recognized by vicidialer that is coming from that table vicidial_dnc, all those numbers will prompt same message as that to the first situation i gave, but my problem, i tried to do back-end uploading of the whole dnc, but all numbers based on my review should be tagged before the pop-up message appears on the side before we have it tagged, we should be able to dial the numbers in which should not be done anymore since they DNC numbers, so how can i solve this challenge in terms of what the movements or flows of calling and tagging and validation to DNC?

here are the suspected tables used when dialing, validating, scrubbing, and recording leads and calls:



Jett from Prolixus
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Postby mflorell » Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:29 pm

uploading millions of phone numbers into the vicidial_dnc table will cause a lot of slowdowns to the system. It was not meant for that. You should pre-filter your leads before they go in, and if you require real-time DNC filtering you should build a separate machine to house the database that is queried so that it does nto slow down the VICIDIAL database.

As for the popup, nothing exists like that so you would have to program it to do exactly what you want.
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Postby prolixus » Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:23 pm

As for my experience, uploading millions of numbers didn't affect any slowdowns of vicidial. For pop-ups, we were able to see that feature of vicidial, but again as iv'e said, only if those numbers were tagged as DNC.

Attach herewith is the screenshot for block numbers prompeted as DNC.

Thanks a lot! ... HBL09d04y6

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