ViciBox v.9.0.1 Test Build for all the changes it had

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ViciBox v.9.0.1 Test Build for all the changes it had

Postby Kumba » Sat Nov 23, 2019 3:04 am

So since there were so many changes to the base build of ViciBox v.9.0.1 I have decided to initially release it as a test run before making it public.

There were various issues with pattern includes in the repositories somewhere which caused the build the fail. The fix for this was to only install the packages that are required. This also means that I had to manually add some extra packages since they weren't included.

There was also the php7-mysql issue that was pushed out incorrectly requiring me to remove the Apache:Modules repository.

You can download the beta for v.9.0.1 here. Please give it a test to make sure it works as you expect. I'm trying to prevent a v.9.0.2 release which is just extra packages. ... 1.beta.iso
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Re: ViciBox v.9.0.1 Test Build for all the changes it had

Postby roger.milligan » Tue Nov 26, 2019 2:56 am

Thanks Kumba.

We're currently building a Vici call centre for 400 agents using a ViciBox v9.0.0 cluster. Loving using ViciBox after many years of doing a scratch install build of Vici at other sites. Going live early January 2020.

Would you recommend that we start again with a fresh build from the ViciBox v9.0.1 ISO? I think that maybe timing is too tight - we would have to be on a stable setup by mid-December at the latest and I don't know when you will have a stable v9.0.1 released.

If we stay on v9.0.0, will you be documenting what we will have to do to apply fixes for any critical issues beyond the Apache that we already know about? Is there anything that we need to know now?

Thanks for all the great contributions you are making.

Roger Milligan
Thrive, Cape Town, South Africa.
Mobile: +27 791412325 rogerm(at)thrivedatasolutions(dot)com
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Re: ViciBox v.9.0.1 Test Build for all the changes it had

Postby Kumba » Thu Nov 28, 2019 12:51 pm

roger.milligan wrote:If we stay on v9.0.0, will you be documenting what we will have to do to apply fixes for any critical issues beyond the Apache that we already know about? Is there anything that we need to know now?

Read the bugfix thread. It tells you what bugs and issues there are to patch.
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Re: ViciBox v.9.0.1 Test Build for all the changes it had

Postby roger.milligan » Fri Nov 29, 2019 2:10 am

Great, thanks Kumba - nice to know there's nothing else. Only WhileList, Certbot & Firewall issues - which all don't affect our install. Just PHP 7 issue to be aware of.

So no panic to get onto 9.0.1 before go live.
Roger Milligan
Thrive, Cape Town, South Africa.
Mobile: +27 791412325 rogerm(at)thrivedatasolutions(dot)com
Posts: 58
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