So, I decided to give this another shot, and it would appear to be working! Finally I can get back to OS with working repositories!
1) First I found this link ... -6-2-1b-fwSo I followed article, Did the steps.
Then rebooted, and saw that it can't load the firmware because it was not that version. So I went and found the version it was complaining about here. ... -6.0.17.fwBingo!
Now these servers are Dell R610's located in Colos. I could call and ask for someone to put USB keys in and mount them to copy the file off of to the locations up above. But what is the fun with that, I made a ISO using.. "MagicISO" with the nic drivers, mounted the DISC using iDrac KVM, and then mounted the cdrom in Linux, copied the files off and reboot. Botta boom batta bing.
##Just in case those Links Ever Break##
Adding some detail to the previous answer:
The RHEL 6 solution listed above does work, however, you have to have the firmware file too. You can't just add to /etc/dracut.conf the line:
and backup your initramfs, followed by running:
dracut -f
and expect that a default system will work. I was able to find a copy of the firmware that I needed HERE. There are others there as well, so if this is not the exact version you are looking for, google around, it's likely out there.
I staged the file in /lib/firmware/bnx2 and then followed the above directions, and rebooted. This now works for me, on CentOS 6.8. using the 3.10.x kernel from elrepo.
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