Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
No Sockets found in /run/screens/S-root.
carpenox wrote:it sounds like all of your asterisk sockets are not running. When you type "screen -ls" from your CLI on the server, what do you see?
There are screens on:
1762.ASTemail (Detached)
1758.ASTVDadFILL (Detached)
1755.ASTfastlog (Detached)
1748.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
1744.ASTVDremote (Detached)
1741.ASTVDauto (Detached)
1738.ASTlisten (Detached)
1735.ASTsend (Detached)
1732.ASTupdate (Detached)
1701.asterisk (Detached)
1678.astshell20200510030132 (Detached)
11 Sockets in /run/screens/S-root.
No Sockets found in /run/screens/S-root.
carpenox wrote:you need to run asterisk and the keepalive script, try doing this:
Good luck
There are screens on:
8133.asterisk (Detached)
8098.astshell20200510082802 (Detached)
7991.asterisk (Detached)
7953.astshell20200510082702 (Detached)
7848.asterisk (Detached)
7813.astshell20200510082602 (Detached)
7709.asterisk (Detached)
7670.astshell20200510082502 (Detached)
7572.asterisk (Detached)
7534.astshell20200510082402 (Detached)
7430.asterisk (Detached)
7397.astshell20200510082302 (Detached)
7274.asterisk (Detached)
7241.astshell20200510082202 (Detached)
7133.asterisk (Detached)
7099.astshell20200510082102 (Detached)
6990.asterisk (Detached)
6956.astshell20200510082001 (Detached)
6854.asterisk (Detached)
6821.astshell20200510081902 (Detached)
6715.asterisk (Detached)
6703.astshell20200510081803 (Detached)
6568.asterisk (Detached)
6526.astshell20200510081702 (Detached)
6422.asterisk (Detached)
6388.astshell20200510081602 (Detached)
6282.asterisk (Detached)
6250.astshell20200510081502 (Detached)
6122.asterisk (Detached)
6088.astshell20200510081401 (Detached)
5981.asterisk (Detached)
5952.astshell20200510081302 (Detached)
5817.asterisk (Detached)
5797.astshell20200510081202 (Detached)
5688.asterisk (Detached)
5646.astshell20200510081102 (Detached)
5530.asterisk (Detached)
5495.astshell20200510081002 (Detached)
5391.asterisk (Detached)
5357.astshell20200510080902 (Detached)
5247.asterisk (Detached)
5218.astshell20200510080802 (Detached)
5109.asterisk (Detached)
5078.astshell20200510080702 (Detached)
4968.asterisk (Detached)
4935.astshell20200510080602 (Detached)
4825.asterisk (Detached)
4797.astshell20200510080502 (Detached)
4685.asterisk (Detached)
4651.astshell20200510080402 (Detached)
4546.asterisk (Detached)
4522.astshell20200510080302 (Detached)
4401.asterisk (Detached)
4367.astshell20200510080201 (Detached)
4260.asterisk (Detached)
4202.astshell20200510080102 (Detached)
4080.asterisk (Detached)
4046.astshell20200510080003 (Detached)
3918.asterisk (Detached)
3887.astshell20200510075901 (Detached)
3781.asterisk (Detached)
3747.astshell20200510075802 (Detached)
3641.asterisk (Detached)
3602.astshell20200510075702 (Detached)
3496.asterisk (Detached)
3473.astshell20200510075602 (Detached)
3352.asterisk (Detached)
3314.astshell20200510075502 (Detached)
3206.asterisk (Detached)
3173.astshell20200510075402 (Detached)
3061.asterisk (Detached)
3024.astshell20200510075302 (Detached)
2816.asterisk (Detached)
2774.astshell20200510075202 (Detached)
2659.asterisk (Detached)
2627.astshell20200510075102 (Detached)
2510.asterisk (Detached)
2471.astshell20200510075001 (Detached)
2359.asterisk (Detached)
2318.astshell20200510074901 (Detached)
2214.asterisk (Detached)
2182.astshell20200510074801 (Detached)
2017.asterisk (Detached)
1991.ASTemail (Detached)
1988.ASTVDadFILL (Detached)
1985.ASTfastlog (Detached)
1982.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
1975.ASTVDremote (Detached)
1973.ASTVDauto (Detached)
1971.ASTlisten (Detached)
1969.ASTsend (Detached)
1967.ASTupdate (Detached)
1956.astshell20200510074701 (Detached)
93 Sockets in /run/screens/S-root.
2020-05-10 15:25:39 =>
displayName: 101
uri: 101@ (IP changed to all 1s for sercurity)
authorizationUser: 101
password: *********************** (password hidden)
wsServers: wss://my.domain.tld:8089/ws
2020-05-10 15:37:26 => Got Invite from <0000000000> "ACagcW1589114244101101101101"
2020-05-10 15:37:26 => Auto-Answered Call
2020-05-10 15:37:27 => Session Accepted Event Fired
2020-05-10 15:37:27 => Session Bye Event Fired |BYE sip:gbdhgbhi@;transport=wss SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/WS;branch=z9hG4bK49c899e3;rport Max-Forwards: 70 From: "ACagcW1589114244101101101101" ;tag=as354208e9 To: ;tag=cmqce19ah7 Call-ID: 3a1319262bbf311a6b114b660d78fdbb@ CSeq: 103 BYE User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.29.2-vici X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16 Content-Length: 0
ok try this command and show me the output:
dahdi_cfg -vvv
DAHDI Tools Version - 3.1.0
Notice: Configuration file is /etc/dahdi/system.conf
line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'
1 error(s) detected
screen -wipe (to remove those detached sessions)
There are screens on:
4392.asterisk (Detached)
4356.astshell20200510095502 (Detached)
4251.asterisk (Detached)
4216.astshell20200510095402 (Detached)
4106.asterisk (Detached)
4070.astshell20200510095302 (Detached)
3968.asterisk (Detached)
3935.astshell20200510095202 (Detached)
3826.asterisk (Detached)
3792.astshell20200510095101 (Detached)
3669.asterisk (Detached)
3632.astshell20200510095001 (Detached)
3541.asterisk (Detached)
3508.astshell20200510094902 (Detached)
3386.asterisk (Detached)
3347.astshell20200510094801 (Detached)
3256.asterisk (Detached)
3215.astshell20200510094702 (Detached)
3118.asterisk (Detached)
3080.astshell20200510094602 (Detached)
2966.asterisk (Detached)
2927.astshell20200510094502 (Detached)
2805.asterisk (Detached)
2768.astshell20200510094402 (Detached)
2626.asterisk (Detached)
2591.astshell20200510094302 (Detached)
2485.asterisk (Detached)
2450.astshell20200510094201 (Detached)
2343.asterisk (Detached)
2307.astshell20200510094101 (Detached)
2203.asterisk (Detached)
2164.astshell20200510094001 (Detached)
2021.asterisk (Detached)
1987.ASTemail (Detached)
1984.ASTVDadFILL (Detached)
1981.ASTfastlog (Detached)
1978.ASTVDadapt (Detached)
1975.ASTVDremote (Detached)
1972.ASTVDauto (Detached)
1969.ASTlisten (Detached)
1965.ASTsend (Detached)
1963.ASTupdate (Detached)
1952.astshell20200510093902 (Detached)
43 Sockets in /run/screens/S-root.
put it in rc.local for startup only
###Technically, opensuse 15.1 doesnt have rc.local, it uses systemd so im just gonna incorporate the two
vim /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service
###copy paste until i say stop####
Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility
ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start
####Now lets create the file: rc.local
vim /etc/rc.local
######Copy and paste below here until i say stop#####
# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
touch /var/lock/subsys/local
# OPTIONAL enable ip_relay(for same-machine trunking and blind monitoring)
/usr/share/astguiclient/ip_relay/relay_control start 2>/dev/null 1>&2
# Disable console blanking and powersaving
/usr/bin/setterm -blank
/usr/bin/setterm -powersave off
/usr/bin/setterm -powerdown
### start up the MySQL server
systemctl start mariadb.service
systemctl enable mariadb.service
### start up the apache web server
systemctl start apache2
systemctl enable apache2
### roll the Asterisk logs upon reboot
### clear the server-related records from the database
### load dahdi drivers
modprobe dahdi
/usr/sbin/dahdi_cfg -vvvvvvvvvvvvv
### sleep for 20 seconds before launching Asterisk
sleep 20
### start up asterisk
sleep 10
/usr/share/astguiclient/ --cu3way
chmod +x /etc/rc.local
systemctl enable rc-local; systemctl start rc-local
cd /usr/src/asterisk
tar -xzvf dahdi-linux-complete-current.tar.gz
cd /usr/src/asterisk/dahdi-linux-complete-3.1.0+3.1.0/
make && make install
modprobe dahdi
dahdi_cfg -vvv
williamconley wrote:dspaan wrote:I have paid the vicidial group to fix this. All you have to do is enable options.php in the agc folder and add this line:
$webphone_call_seconds = '5'; # set to 1 or higher to have the agent phone(if set to webphone) called X seconds after login
Make sure you have a recent SVN version.
Excellent Postback!!
carpenox wrote:with the webphone i dont think thats possible, glad everything worked out for you, try looking thru the forum to see if theres a way to have it connect automatically but i havent seen any posts that people do that, one of the programmers such as matt or kumba, or maybe bill from poundteam might be able to help you with that.
dspaan wrote:You really need to work on your linux skills. You need to do:
nano /srv/www/htdocs/agc/options.php
cd /srv/www/htdocs/agc
nano options.php
Also probably in your case the file is called options-example.php so you need to rename it first:
cd /srv/www/htdocs/agc
mv options-example.php options.php
nano options.php
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