Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
mflorell wrote:If possible, can you CC one of your own email addresses with a test email and then post the raw email text you receive on this malformed email from that other email box?
use DBI;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode qw(from_to decode encode);
use Email::MIME;
use Email::MIME::ContentType;
use Email::Address;
use HTML::Strip;
use DateTime::Format::Mail;
#use Data::Dumper;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
sub StripHTML {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$text =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
$text =~ s/\ \;/ /gi;
if ($text =~ /<html.*?<\/html>/i) {
my $hs = HTML::Strip->new;
$text = $hs->parse($text);
return $text;
$PATHconf = '/etc/astguiclient.conf';
$force_check = 1;
$ssl_no_cert = 0;
$DBX = 0;
open(conf, "$PATHconf") || die "Can't open $PATHconf: $!\n";
@conf = <conf>;
foreach(@conf) {
$line = $conf[$i];
$line =~ s/ |>|\n|\r|\t|\#.*|;.*//gi;
if (($line =~ /^PATHhome/) && ($CLIhome < 1)) {
$PATHhome = $line;
$PATHhome =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^PATHlogs/) && ($CLIlogs < 1)) {
$PATHlogs = $line;
$PATHlogs =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^PATHagi/) && ($CLIagi < 1)) {
$PATHagi = $line;
$PATHagi =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^PATHweb/) && ($CLIweb < 1)) {
$PATHweb = $line;
$PATHweb =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^PATHsounds/) && ($CLIsounds < 1)) {
$PATHsounds = $line;
$PATHsounds =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^PATHmonitor/) && ($CLImonitor < 1)) {
$PATHmonitor = $line;
$PATHmonitor =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^VARserver_ip/) && ($CLIserver_ip < 1)) {
$VARserver_ip = $line;
$VARserver_ip =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^VARDB_server/) && ($CLIDB_server < 1)) {
$VARDB_server = $line;
$VARDB_server =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^VARDB_database/) && ($CLIDB_database < 1)) {
$VARDB_database = $line;
$VARDB_database =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^VARDB_user/) && ($CLIDB_user < 1)) {
$VARDB_user = $line;
$VARDB_user =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^VARDB_pass/) && ($CLIDB_pass < 1)) {
$VARDB_pass = $line;
$VARDB_pass =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (($line =~ /^VARDB_port/) && ($CLIDB_port < 1)) {
$VARDB_port = $line;
$VARDB_port =~ s/.*=//gi;
if (!$VARDB_port) {
$VARDB_port = "3306";
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$VARDB_database:$VARDB_server:$VARDB_port", "$VARDB_user", "$VARDB_pass", { mysql_enable_utf8 => 1 }) or
die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;
# Get the settings from system_settings
$stmt = "SELECT allow_emails, default_phone_code, enable_queuemetrics_logging, queuemetrics_server_ip, queuemetrics_dbname, queuemetrics_login, queuemetrics_pass, queuemetrics_log_id, queuemetrics_eq_prepend FROM system_settings;";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt) or die "Can't prepare: ", $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute or die "Can't execute: $stmt", $dbh->errstr;
if ($sthArows > 0) {
@aryA = $sth->fetchrow_array;
$SSallow_emails = $ary[0];
$SSdefault_phone_code = $ary[1];
$enable_queuemetrics_logging = $ary[2];
$queuemetrics_server_ip = $ary[3];
$queuemetrics_dbname = $ary[4];
$queuemetrics_login= $ary[5];
$queuemetrics_pass = $ary[6];
$queuemetrics_log_id = $ary[7];
$queuemetrics_eq_prepend = $ary[8];
# Exit program if system setting for allow email is not enabled
if ($SSallow_emails < 1 && $force_check < 1) {
$stmt = "SELECT email_account_id, email_account_name, email_account_description, user_group, protocol, email_replyto_address, email_account_server, email_account_user, email_account_pass, pop3_auth_mode, active, email_frequency_check_mins, group_id, default_list_id, call_handle_method, agent_search_method, campaign_id,list_id,email_account_type from vicidial_email_accounts where active = 'Y' and protocol = 'IMAP'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$VARemail_ID = $row[0];
$VARemail_protocol = $row[4];
$VARemail_server = $row[6];
$VARemail_user = $row[7];
$VARemail_pwd = $row[8];
$VARpop3_auth_mode = $row[9];
$VARemail_frequency = $row[11];
$VARemail_groupid = $row[12];
$default_list_id = $row[13];
$call_handle_method = $row[14];
$agent_search_method = $row[15];
$campaign_id = $row[16];
$list_id = $row[17];
%args = (
Server => "$VARemail_server",
User => "$VARemail_user",
Password => "$VARemail_pwd",
Port => 993,
Ssl => 1,
Ignoresizeerrors => 1,
Debug => "$DBX",
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%args) or
die "Cannot connect through IMAPClient: ($VARemail_ID | $VARemail_server | $VARemail_user | ssl-no-cert:$ssl_no_cert) $@ $!";
if ($imap->IsAuthenticated()) {
my @inbox_folders = $imap->folders("INBOX");
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@inbox_folders); $i++) {
my @msg_ids = $imap->search("(UNSEEN)");
foreach my $msg_id(@msg_ids) {
my $attach_ct = 0;
my @ins_values = ();
my $parser = Email::MIME->new($imap->message_string($msg_id));
# Parse From
my @addrs = Email::Address->parse($parser->header_str('From'));
my $email_from = $addrs[0]->address;
my $email_from_name = $addrs[0]->name;
my $email_to = $parser->header_str('To');
my $email_subject = $parser->header_str('Subject');
my $email_date = DateTime::Format::Mail->parse_datetime($parser->header_str('Date'))->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
my $email_mime = $parser->header_str('MIME-Version');
my $email_content_type = $parser->header_str('Content-Type');
my $email_cte = $parser->header_str('Content-Transfer-Encoding');
my $email_x_mailer = $parser->header_str('X-Mailer');
# Parse IP address
my $email_sender_ip = '';
my ($ip) = $parser->header_str('Authentication-Results') =~ /(([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])){3})/i;
if (defined($ip)) {
$email_sender_ip = $ip;
} else {
my ($ip) = $parser->header_str('Received-SPF') =~ /(([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])){3})/i;
if (defined($ip)) {
$email_sender_ip = $ip;
print "email_from = " . $email_from . "\n";
print "email_from_name = " . $email_from_name . "\n";
print "email_to = " . $email_to . "\n";
print "email_date = " . $email_date . "\n";
print "email_mime = " . $email_mime . "\n";
print "email_content_type = " . $email_content_type . "\n";
print "email_x_mailer = " . $email_x_mailer . "\n";
print "email_sender_ip = " . $email_sender_ip . "\n";
my $email_message = '';
$parser->walk_parts(sub {
my ($part) = @_;
return if $part->subparts;
my $attachment_type = '';
my $attachment_fulltype = '';
my $attachment_filename = '';
my $attachment_filesize = '';
my $attachment_cte = '';
my $attachment_contents = '';
# Prefer text/html
if ($part->content_type =~ m[text/html]i) {
$email_cte = $part->header_str('Content-Transfer-Encoding');
$email_message = StripHTML($part->body_str);
} elsif ($part->content_type =~ m[text/plain]i && $email_message eq '') {
$email_cte = $part->header_str('Content-Transfer-Encoding');
$email_message = $part->body_str;
} else {
my ($ctype) = $part->content_type =~ m{(application/(pdf|msword|rtf|||x-msexcel|ms-excel|zip|(vnd.oasis.opendocument.(text|spreadsheet)))|image/(jpeg|jpg|gif|x-png|png|bmp|x-ms-bmp)|text/(csv|plain))}i;
if (defined($ctype)) {
$attachment_type = $ctype;
$attachment_filename = $part->filename;
$attachment_cte = $part->header_str('Content-Transfer-Encoding');
$attachment_contents = $part->body_raw;
my $dis = $part->header("Content-Disposition") || '';
my $attrs = parse_content_disposition($dis)->{attributes};
#print Dumper($attrs);
$attachment_filesize = $attrs->{size} || '';
if($attachment_type =~ m{application/pdf}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "PDF";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{image/(jpeg|jpg)}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "JPG";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{image/gif}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "GIF";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{image/(x-png|png)}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "PNG";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{image/(bmp|x-ms-bmp)}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "BMP";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{application/msword}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "DOC";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{application/rtf}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "RTF";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{application/}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "PPT";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{application/(|x-msexcel|ms-excel)}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "XLS";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{application/zip}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "ZIP";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{text/csv}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "CSV";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{text/plain}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "TXT";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "ODT";
} elsif ($attachment_type =~ m{application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet}i) {
$attachment_fulltype = "ODS";
if ($attachment_type ne '' && $attachment_filename ne '') {
$ins_values[$attach_ct] = "'$attachment_filename','$attachment_type','$attachment_cte','$attachment_filesize','$attachment_fulltype','$attachment_contents'";
print "content_type = " . $part->content_type . "\n";
if ($attachment_type ne '') {
print "attachment_type = " . $attachment_type . "\n";
print "attachment_fulltype = " . $attachment_fulltype . "\n";
print "attachment_filename = " . $attachment_filename . "\n";
print "attachment_filesize = " . $attachment_filesize . "\n";
print "attachment_cte = " . $attachment_cte . "\n";
print "substr(attachment_contents, 0, 50) = " . substr($attachment_contents, 0, 50) . "\n";
$email_message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Remove leading and trailing whitespaces
print "email_cte = " . $email_cte . "\n";
print $email_message . "\n";
#open($file, ">", "./_mail/" . $msg_id . "_raw");
#$imap->message_to_file($file, $msg_id);
######## Save to DB ########
my $status = "NEW";
my $limit = 1;
$call_handle_clause = "";
if ($call_handle_method eq "EMAILLOOKUP") {
$call_handle_clause = "where email = '$email_from' order by lead_id desc";
} elsif ($call_handle_method eq "EMAILLOOKUPRL") {
$call_handle_clause = "where email='$email_from' and list_id = '$list_id' order by lead_id desc";
} elsif ($call_handle_method eq "EMAILLOOKUPRC") {
my $list_id_stmt = "select list_id from vicidial_lists where campaign_id = '$campaign_id'";
my $list_id_rslt = $dbh->prepare($list_id_stmt);
$list_id_str = "";
while (@list_id_row = $list_id_rslt->fetchrow_array) {
$list_id_str .= "$list_id_row[0],";
$list_id_str = substr($list_id_str, 0, -1);
$call_handle_clause = "where email = '$email_from' and list_id in ($list_id_str) order by lead_id desc";
} else {
$limit = 0;
# Check if lead exists in vicidial_list table via a search by email based on the email account settings
my $vicidial_lead_check_stmt = "select lead_id, list_id from vicidial_list $call_handle_clause limit $limit";
my $vicidial_lead_check_rslt = $dbh->prepare($vicidial_lead_check_stmt);
if ($vicidial_lead_check_rslt->rows > 0) {
my @lead_id_row = $vicidial_lead_check_rslt->fetchrow_array;
$lead_id = $lead_id_row[0];
} else {
my $vicidial_list_stmt = "insert into vicidial_list(list_id, email, comments, status, entry_date, phone_code) values('$default_list_id', '$email_from', '".substr($message,0,255)."', '$status', NOW(), '$SSdefault_phone_code')";
my $vicidial_list_rslt = $dbh->prepare($vicidial_list_stmt);
if ($vicidial_list_rslt->execute()) {
$lead_id = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, 'vicidial_list', 'lead_id');
} else {
die "Vicidial list insert failed. Check SQL in:\n $vicidial_list_stmt\n";
# Insert a new record into vicidial_email_list. This is ALWAYS done for new email messages.
$ins_stmt = "insert into vicidial_email_list(lead_id, protocol, email_date, email_to, email_from, email_from_name, subject, mime_type, content_type, content_transfer_encoding, x_mailer, sender_ip, message, email_account_id, group_id, status, direction) values('$lead_id', 'IMAP', STR_TO_DATE('$email_date', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S'), '$email_to', '$email_from', '$email_from_name', '$email_subject', '$email_mime', '$email_content_type', '$email_cte', '$email_x_mailer', '$email_sender_ip', trim('$email_message'), '$VARemail_ID', '$VARemail_groupid', '$status', 'INBOUND')";
my $ins_rslt = $dbh->prepare($ins_stmt);
if ($ins_rslt->execute()) {
$email_id = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, 'vicidial_email_list', 'email_row_id');
if ($attach_ct > 0) {
$multistmt = "";
for ($k=0; $k < $attach_ct; $k++) {
$ins_values[$k] = "('$email_id', $ins_values[$k])";
$multistmt .= "$ins_values[$k],";
$output_ins_values[$k] = "('$email_id', $output_ins_values[$k])";
$output_multistmt .= "$output_ins_values[$k],";
$attachment_ins_stmt = "insert into inbound_email_attachments(email_row_id, filename, file_type, file_encoding, file_size, file_extension, file_contents) VALUES ".substr($multistmt,0,-1);
$attachment_ins_rslt = $dbh->prepare($attachment_ins_stmt);
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